[BNC-all] NSAC Holiday Challenge Results

Abrol, Sangeeta Saddul abrols at purdue.edu
Fri Dec 16 11:41:35 EST 2022

Dear all,

Thank you for making yesterday’s holiday party so special! It was great to see everyone all together enjoying some great food, happy spirits, and awesome gifts.

Now, it’s time for the moment we’ve all been waiting for: the announcement of the “Guess how many water molecules” winner! Sorry the results are coming the day after, it took a long time to count and I lost track around 100 quintillion 😉

It was a close competition, with six people within the correct order of magnitude, the winner is………….Mohamed Mousa!!!!  The correct answer is 2.09e+26, and his answer was 2.15e+26.

Honorable mentions go to Leif Bauer, Peter Menart, Michelle Radke, Akanksha Parmar, and Teng Zhang.

Funny (but anonymous) mention goes to the person who guessed “0, because it’s pure vodka!” Maybe we’ll save that guessing game for next party...

Happy holidays, safe travels if you are voyaging elsewhere, and we look forward to seeing you next semester!
The NSAC Exec Committee

P.S. – if you made it this far, you should really consider joining our Microsoft teams channel! Link below.

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