[BNC-all] Reminder: Invite - Purdue 75th Anniversary of the Transistor

Abrol, Sangeeta Saddul abrols at purdue.edu
Fri Dec 16 10:07:39 EST 2022

Dear All –

Here is an event on December 16, 2022 that might be of interest to you all.

[Purdue University]

75th Anniversary of the Invention of the Transistor

Friday, December 16, 2022
Program Remarks 3:30 PM
Burton D. Morgan Center for Entrepreneurship

The Colleges of Engineering and Science invite you to celebrate Purdue's role in one of the greatest inventions of the 20th Century.

The transistor was invented at Bell Labs on Dec. 16, 1947. Transistors are the basic building blocks for virtually all electronic systems.  The transistor has been called one of the most important inventions because transistor electronics, especially the billions of transistors on leading edge silicon chips, transformed life in the 20th century and will have even more impact in the 21st century.  Purdue University played an important role in the early history of semiconductor fabrication and physics leading to the invention of the transistor. This event celebrates Purdue’s semiconductor history as we look forward to an exciting new era of semiconductor electronics.

To RSVP, please follow https://tinyurl.com/4f8a4r9z<https://maillinks.purdue.edu/t/44077237/1487136285/94012604/0/120588/?x=b9bab46f>

Program remarks can also be viewed virtually at
Additional Event details, https://tinyurl.com/transistorcelebration

We look forward to celebrating with you.

With Participation from:

  *   President-Elect Mung Chiang
  *   Interim Dean of Engineering Mark Lundstrom
  *   Professor Michael Manfra, Department of Physics and Astronomy, and School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
  *   Professor M.A. Alam, Electrical and Computer Engineering
  *   Assistant Professor Ekaterina Babintseva, Department of History
Questions about this event, please emailbjbowles at purdue.edu<mailto:bjbowles at purdue.edu>

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