[BNC-all] BNC E-News : Week of December 13th, 2021

Abrol, Sangeeta Saddul abrols at purdue.edu
Mon Dec 13 14:12:04 EST 2021

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Seminars /Workshops / Events/Announcement
Birck Nanotechnology Center Distinguished Seminar
"Rethinking the Nature and Nurture of Discovery Research"
Monday December 13, 2021, 3-4pm, Burton Morgan 121
with extended informal Q&A and discussion for 30m immediately following.

Speaker: Venky Narayanamurti (Harvard University)

Abstract: Research, particularly on the "discovery" end of the R&D spectrum, is complex and easily misunderstood. Scientific advance doesn't always precede, it often follows, engineering advance. Answering questions isn't always the goal, finding questions often is. We don't always seek to strengthen conventional wisdom, sometimes we seek to surprise it. What if we could rethink research so that its nurturing, through policy and management, harmonizes with its nature? Join us for a conversation between Venky Narayanamurti and Ali Shakouri on Venky's new book<https://www.hup.harvard.edu/catalog.php?isbn=9780674251854> with Jeff Tsao, "The Genesis of Technoscientific Revolutions" (Harvard University Press, Nov 2021) addressing this question.

Speaker Bio: Venkatesh Narayanamurti is Benjamin Peirce Professor of Technology and Public Policy, Engineering and Applied Sciences, and Physics Emeritus at Harvard University. He was formerly: Director of the Science, Technology and Public Policy Program at the Harvard Kennedy School (2009-2015); John L. Armstrong Professor and Founding Dean of the Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, and Professor of Physics and Dean of Physical Sciences at Harvard (1998-2009); Dean of the UCSB College of Engineering (1992-1998); VP of Research at Sandia National Laboratories (1987-1992); and researcher then Director of the Solid State Electronics Research Laboratory at Bell Labs (1968-1987). He is a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and an elected member of the U.S National Academy of Engineering, of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences and of the World Academy of Sciences. He is also co-author, with Professor Tolu Odumosu (James Madison University), of "Cycles of Invention and Discovery" (Harvard University Press, 2016).


Midwest Quantum Collaboratory Workshop - December 16

Dear all,

Purdue has partnered with the University of Michigan and Michigan State University to launch the Midwest Quantum Collaboratory. Next Thursday, December 16, we will virtually hold our first workshop titled "Solid state quantum emitters for quantum photonics and quantum sensing". We would like to invite you to join us. The full agenda is attached, and you can join here: Zoom Link<https://purdue-edu.zoom.us/j/91520509955>

The day will be split into two session:

  1.  10:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. - Focused on quantum materials/emitters
  2.  2:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. - Focused on quantum photonics/sensing

We hope you will be able to join us!

Best regards,


David J. Stewart, Ph.D.
Managing Director, Purdue Quantum Science and Engineering Institute (PQSEI)

Industry Liaison Officer, Center for Quantum Technologies (CQT, a planned NSF IUCRC)

Birck Nanotechnology Center | 1205 West State Street | Room 1287C | West Lafayette, IN 47907

o: 765-496-3117<tel:7654963117>  | davidstewart at purdue.edu<mailto:davidstewart at purdue.edu> | www.purdue.edu/dp/quantum<http://www.purdue.edu/dp/quantum>

*Follow us! Twitter: @PurdueQuantum<https://twitter.com/PurdueQuantum>, LinkedIn<https://www.linkedin.com/company/pqsei/>, Facebook<https://www.facebook.com/QuantumPurdue>

Join our upcoming hands-on workshop on thermodynamics and kinetic calculations in materials science using Thermo-Calc. Motivated by integrated materials engineering (ICME) and the materials genome (MGI), the hands-on workshop will exemplify the use of Thermo-Calc in the classroom and research. The target audience is instructors, researchers and students. The academic version of Thermo-Calc is now freely available in nanoHUB through a collaboration between Thermo-Calc and nanoHUB. You can access this software by joining the Thermo-Calc group in nanoHUB: https://nanohub.org/groups/tcacademic.

Title: Integrated Computational Materials Engineering in the Classroom: Teaching Fundamental Thermodynamics and Kinetics Through an Industry-Focused Lens using Free Online Simulations.

Presenter: Adam Hope, PhD, Thermo-Calc Software Inc.

Date/Time: Wednesday, December 15, 2021 from 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM EST
Register here: https://purdue.webex.com/purdue/onstage/g.php?MTID=e1f44a88da6016a3b691b73748654dc0d

Abstract: Both the National Academies report on Integrated Computational Materials Engineering and the Materials Genome Initiative have highlighted the importance of linking materials, chemistry, and processing to microstructure in order to predict and engineer material properties and performance. This is especially important in the context of Industry 4.0. However, some of the challenges in implementing such an approach are:

  *   Linking models across length scales
  *   The lack of materials property data as a function of chemical composition and temperature
  *   The lack of familiarity and awareness of engineers on design teams as to the different types of modeling tools which are outside their background, especially those which transcend the more traditional gaps between materials science and mechanical engineering.
Modeling chemistry-process-structure relationships requires a solid foundation of thermodynamics, phase equilibria and kinetics. The CALPHAD (Calculation of Phase Diagrams) method fits this need. CALPHAD is a phenomenological approach for calculating/predicting thermodynamic, kinetic, and other properties of multicomponent materials systems. It is based on describing the properties of the fundamental building blocks of materials, starting from pure elements and binary and ternary systems. With extrapolation from the binary and ternary systems, CALPHAD predicts the properties of higher order alloys. Over the last decades, the CALPHAD method has successfully been used for development of numerous real engineering materials.

CALPHAD tools are not only a critical component of any ICME framework, but they also create an opportunity to assist in teaching thermodynamics - from understanding the influence of chemistry on Gibbs free energy to constructing simple binary phase diagrams. This fundamental approach can then be extended to multicomponent systems to study real engineering materials.

This presentation will demonstrate ways that Thermo-Calc can be used in the classroom, as a teaching tool, and in industry, as a research and problem solving tool for any ICME framework.

Bio: Adam received his PhD in Welding Engineering at The Ohio State University. His work was focused on integrating computational and experimental techniques to predict susceptibility to weld cracking, and to develop new weld metal compositions for nuclear power applications. Adam currently works at Thermo-Calc Software providing training and applications support to users.
I hope that you can join us in this workshop! Please share this invitation with others who may be interested.


Alejandro Strachan
Deputy Director, nanoHUB

Alejandro Strachan
Professor of Materials Engineering, Purdue University
Network for Computational Nanotechnology - nanohub.org<http://nanohub.org>
Center for Predictive Materials and Devices (c-PRIMED)

on behalf of Neil Dilley

Deadline extended to Wed., December 15th !

2021 Birck Nanotechnology Center Research Image Contest
Sponsored by NSAC and Birck leadership  - $600 in prize awards for student entries
Please share your research images which showcase the beauty you've observed around you at Birck! All members of the Birck community - students, staff, and faculty - are welcome to submit their images that can include not only research images but also photos of life here at Birck. For research images, we ask that you also write a short paragraph explaining what we are looking at and why it is significant to you.
We will assemble a panel of judges and announce awards at the BNC Holiday Party in December, and student entries are eligible to win:
$300 for 1st place        $200 for 2nd place       $100 for 3rd place
You can submit multiple images anytime by tomorrow and November 30, 2021 to a new MS Teams channel we have set up for the image contest, see link below:
If you have issues or questions, please email Neil Dilley at ndilley at purdue.edu<mailto:ndilley at purdue.edu> .
Happy image hunting! [Text, logo, company name  Description automatically generated]   and the Birck Nanotechnology Center
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On behalf of the Birck Leadership Team.......

Dear Birck Research Community,

The Purdue winter recess occurs December 23rd through January 2.  The university is officially closed during this time and reopens on Monday January 3.  As we have done in past years, the Birck Nanotechnology Center will remain available for research but will be unstaffed and hazardous gasses will be unavailable.  As always if you plan to do any work over the recess please follow all applicable Protect Purdue protocols.  Following is a description of the Birck center during this period of university closure:

  1.  All labs and cleanroom will be open.
  2.  All hazardous gases will be unavailable.
  3.  HF, BOE, and TMAH chemical processing will be allowed as long as a buddy is present.
  4.  Precursors for ALD systems will be available.
  5.  No shipping or receiving is being done at any building on campus.
  6.  The custodians will not be working so restrooms will not be maintained, and sanitation of touch surfaces will not be done.
     *   We encourage users to keep the facility clean and be extra vigilant about the hygiene and COVID risks.
  7.  A few engineering and building staff may walk through occasionally for major issues but availability will be very limited and could be impacted due to COVID restrictions.
     *   Faculty and senior researchers are encouraged to be more proactive (e.g. occasional walk throughs checking the labs where there is ongoing research).  Email Birck management if you notice anything.

Since there will be limited staff support during this winter recess the research groups are strongly encouraged to accomplish as much processing as possible before gases are turned off on Dec. 22.

See the following for more detailed information (this will be up on the BNC Wiki):

2021-12-23 to 2022-01-03:  Reduced Holiday Operations

Due to Purdue's Winter Recess hazardous gases will be unavailable from 3:30 PM Wednesday, December 22 until 8:00 AM on Monday, Jan 3rd.  Lab work may otherwise proceed, though any fume hood work must be done with someone else present in the same laboratory or cleanroom bay (the "buddy" system).  Please note the following changes to our normal operation:

     *   ALD sources will remain available
        *   Unavailable gases:
           *   Ammonia (NH3)
           *   Boron trichloride  (BCl3)
           *   Chlorine (Cl2)
           *   Dichlorosilane  (H2Cl2Si)
           *   Hydrogen  (H2)
           *   Hydrogen Sulfide  (H2S)
           *   Krypton Fluoride  (KrF)
           *   Methane  (CH4)
           *   Nitric Oxide  (NO)
           *   Silane  (SiH4)
           *   Trichlorosilane  (HCl3Si)

        *   Tools affected:
           *   Reduced capability:
              *   PVD Nitride Sputtering System  (NH3 unavailable)
              *   Tube 1 Clean Ox  (H2 unavailable, dry oxidation only)
              *   Tube 4 Field OX  (H2 unavailable, dry oxidation only)

              *   Tube 7 General Oxidation  (H2 unavailable, dry oxidation only)
              *   Panasonic  (Cl2 and BCl3 unavailable)
              *   Plasma-Therm Apex SLR ICP RIE Etcher (H2, Cl2 and BCl3 unavailable)

           *   Shutdown:
              *   Axic PECVD  (NH3 & SiH4 unavailable)
              *   Easy Tube 3000 DVD  (CH4 unavailable)
              *   Epigress  (SiH4 unavailable)
              *   H2S CVD  (H2S & H2 unavailable)
              *   Nitric Oxide Anneal  (NO unavailable)
              *   Plasma-Therm Apex SLR HDPCVD  (SiH4 unavailable)
              *   Tube 2 Nitride  (NH3 and HCl3Si unavailable)
              *   Tube 3 LTO  (SiH4 unavailable)
              *   Tube 6 Polysilicon  (SiH4 unavailable)
           *   Work with highly dermally toxic materials (25% TMAH, BOE, HF) ABSOLUTELY requires a buddy within eyesight at all times.
           *   Custodial staff will not be working.
           *   There will be limited restocking of shared use supplies.
           *   There will be limited availability of engineering staff to answer questions or repair down equipment.
              *   On metallization tools sources will not be changed and depositions must be < 200 nm.

Contact Steve Jurss (sejurss at purdue.edu<mailto:sejurss at purdue.edu>) with any questions.

Mask Protocols in the Cleanroom
We have observed various masking practices in the cleanroom recently so as a reminder for those using our Birck cleanroom, please continue to follow our COVID mask protocols.  Masking requirements are either to use an M3 N95 mask by itself or use a standard mask under the cleanroom veil.  If you have any questions please contact a staff member.

Birck Engineering

In accordance with Procurement and Accounts Payable's year end deadlines, here are the associated EOBOC Procurement Center's deadlines:

Procurement Type
EOBOC Deadline
Central Deadline
ZV60s (including personal payments)
Friday 12/3
Wed. 12/8
Ariba orders >$10K
Wed. 12/8
Friday 12/10
Ariba (<$10K) and/or CC orders - to be delivered by 12/17**
Friday 12/10

**No deliveries accepted Dec. 23-Jan. 2 for holidays and winter recess

Thank you,

Cindy Sanders
Lead Business Assistant
Purdue University
Birck Nanotechnology
1205 W. State Street
West Lafayette, IN 47907

Birck Events<https://www.purdue.edu/discoverypark/birck/events/index.php> and Birck News<https://www.purdue.edu/discoverypark/birck/news/index.php>

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Dear Members of the Birck Community,

Let's bring Holiday cheer to Birck!

We would like to invite you and your families to the Birck holiday party on Friday December 17th from 2:00pm to 4:00pm in the Birck Atrium.

  *   We will be thanking Ali Shakouri for his dedicated service as our Director for the last 10 years.

  *   We would love for you to decorate your office/hallway to make Birck look festive!

  *   Finger foods/refreshments will be served, side dishes from your home country will be welcomed and appreciated.

  *   Put on your ugly sweater or dress in your Christmas outfit!

  *   Anyone who has musical instruments and would like to perform for us would be wonderful.

Santa Claus will be here!

Looking forward to seeing everybody!

Sangeeta Abrol
Lead Administrative Assistant | Discovery Park | BRK 1027
Birck Nanotechnology Center|1205 West State St | West Lafayette, IN 47907
abrols at purdue.edu<mailto:abrols at purdue.edu> |purdue.edu/discoverypark/birck<http://purdue.edu/discoverypark/birck>
o: 765-494 3509

R&D Senior Design Engineer at Alpha & Omega Semiconductor
Alpha & Omega Semiconductor is looking for a Senior Design Engineer who will work in a dynamic team environment at AOS headquarter located in Sunnyvale, CA. The main responsibility of this position is to work with marketing/process integration/product engineering group to develop silicon power device technology.
Application link: Senior Design Engineer - Sunnyvale, CA - Alpha & Omega Semiconductor Jobs (applicantpro.com)<https://caosmd.applicantpro.com/jobs/2050960.html>

R&D Senior Process Integration Engineer at Alpha & Omega Semiconductor
Alpha & Omega Semiconductor is looking for a Senior Process Integration Engineer who will work in a dynamic team environment at AOS Semiconductor's leading technology fabrication facility (Jireh Semiconductor) located in Hillsboro, Oregon. The focus of this position is to work with device/process module/product engineering group to develop silicon power device process technology and improve existing technology yield. Primary responsibilities are to process flow implementation, electrical characterization (failure analysis), and wafer level testing yield monitoring.
Application link: Entry Level MS or PHD Process Integration R&D Engineer - Hillsboro, OR - Jireh Semiconductor Jobs (applicantpro.com)<https://aosmd.applicantpro.com/jobs/1949301.html>

Opening in OxideMEMS lab

 Sunil Bhave's OxideMEMS Lab <https://engineering.purdue.edu/oxidemems/publications.html> explores inter-domain coupling in Opto-mechanical, Spin-Acoustic and Atom-MEMS devices. PhD, Postdoctoral and Research Associate positions are available in these areas:

*      Superconducting qubit and cryo-CMOS circuits
*      Resonators and switches
*      MEMS-engine for LIDAR
*      Piezo-on-nitride transducers for atom-mechanics
Expertise in many and most of Microfabrication, PiezoMEMS, Photonics, Quantum Mechanics, Microwave circuits, PCB design, ADS/HFSS, Comsol, Python and Labview is required.
Please send CV to bhave at purdue.edu<mailto:bhave at purdue.edu>  if you are interested link<http://interested.link>

Nanofabrication Engineer at Microsoft
Microsoft Azure Quantum at Station Q Purdue seeks a nanofabrication engineer in the device fabrication group. You will join a multi-disciplinary team of theoretical and experimental physicists, materials scientists, and hardware and software engineers working at the forefront of quantum computing. You should have experience in device fabrication and characterization techniques. Our work at Station Q Purdue in West Lafayette, Indiana is part of global Microsoft Quantum research effort in topological quantum computing.
Responsibilities include develop, operate, and characterize semiconductor device fabrication processes in the Birck Nanotechnology Center cleanroom facilities located at Purdue University. Accurately documenting and effectively communicating all procedures and results to the larger research group is an essential aspect of the position. The candidate may also be required to assist in the maintenance of equipment.
A successful candidate must have:
*                    * Master's degree in Physics, Materials Science or Electrical Engineering. Other engineering disciplines will also be considered.
*                    * Hands-on experience working with some or all of the following semiconductor process areas: lithography, thin film deposition and etch.
*                    * Ability to follow protocols to operate sophisticated experimental equipment and to safely work with industrial solvents, acids, and bases in a cleanroom environment
*                    * Excellent written and oral communication skills.
*                    * Proficiency at accurately documenting processes and protocols.
*                    * Strong attention to detail and good organizational skills.
*                    * Strong desire to work in a collaborative international team.

Preference may be given to candidates with the following additional qualifications:
*                    * Industry experience in semiconductor device process integration.
*                    * Expertise in thin film characterization, both structural and electrical.
*                    * Familiarity with design and layout tools for chip scale devices.

Please send your resume to flgriggi at microsoft.com<mailto:flgriggi at microsoft.com>, selected candidates will be contacted for interviews.

Graduate Research Assistantship Opportunity:
Deposited Gate Oxides for SiC MOSFETs

Up to two graduate research assistantships are available in the area of silicon carbide metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) devices. SiC is a wide bandgap semiconductor with a high critical field, making it an exciting material for power electronic devices. SiC MOSFETs are now commercially available, but do not yet achieve their full potential. Our group is approaching this problem from several directions, including a new device trench MOSFET geometries inspired by modern FinFETs and alternative gate insulator fabrication methods.

Research activities will include fabrication and characterization of SiC MOS capacitors and MOSFETs with gate oxides formed by thermal oxidation, atomic layer deposition (ALD), and other methods. The student will gain a detailed understanding of the physics of the MOS interface and will learn various methods of characterizing devices, including MOS CV analysis, interface state density and carrier mobility.

For more information or to apply, send resume and contact information to:

Dallas Morisette
Research Assistant Professor
morisett at purdue.edu

NSAC Fab Forum
NSAC Fab Forum every Tuesday 200pm-2.30pm

NSAC Coffee Hour
No NSAC Fab Forum this Friday

Birck Nanotechnology Center Advanced Capabilities
Plasma-Therm Apex ICP RIE Etcher<https://wiki.itap.purdue.edu/display/BNCWiki/Plasma-Therm+Apex+SLR>

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  *   ICP Power up to 2,000W and Bias Power up to 600W
  *   Configured with 10 Process Gasses
  *   Chamber and Chuck Temperatures up to 60C
Other Capabilities: Has End Point Detection  capabilities with a laser-based system which measures the laser signal reflected from a target location on the substrate surface.
Location: BRK Cleanroom Bay K
Contact: Francis Manfred (fmanfred at purdue.edu)
Please visit the Birck Wiki to learn about the wide array of fabrication and characterization equipment at the facility<https://wiki.itap.purdue.edu/display/BNCWiki/>

***To post an announcement in the weekly BNC E-news please send to Sangeeta Abrol @ abrols at purdue.edu***<mailto:abrols at purdue.edu***>

Follow us on Facebook and Twitter

[Facebook icon]<https://www.facebook.com/nano.purdue.edu/>    [Twitter icon] <https://twitter.com/BNCPurdue>

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