[BNC-all] UPDATE - URGENT - Emergency Shutdown Due to Loss Campus Steam -

Voorhis, Mark L. mvoorhis at purdue.edu
Tue Mar 14 17:04:56 EDT 2017

Update on campus steam.  It appears that several boilers shutdown for unexplained reasons at the wade power plant allowing our incoming steam pressure to drop from 125psi to 15 psi in 30 minutes.  Physical Facilities has restarted 7 boilers trying to recover steam pressure across campus.  Our building is currently stable waiting for the steam pressure to return to normal.  At this time we do not expect any interruption to ambient controls or hazardous processes.  Building systems should recover to normal operation in the next 2-3 hours given the present conditions.

Thank you for your patience.

From: BNC-all [mailto:bnc-all-bounces at ecn.purdue.edu] On Behalf Of Voorhis, Mark L.
Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2017 4:28 PM
To: 'bnc-all at ecn.purdue.edu' (bnc-all at ecn.purdue.edu)
Subject: [BNC-all] URGENT - Emergency Shutdown Due to Loss Campus Steam
Sensitivity: Private

BNC User

We have lost all campus steam pressure across campus.  The loss of steam during cold weather may result in shutting down all cleanroom and general laboratory air handling units losing temperature and humidity ambient control.  This may also shut down all chemical exhaust systems and hazardous processes.  We have implemented contingency plans to conserve steam the best we can.

These changes may lead to the cleanroom going negative allowing dirty air to be pulled into the cleanroom so plan accordingly to protect any contamination sensitive research inside the cleanroom.

I will update you more once I get more information from Physical Facilities on the condition of the main campus boilers or conditions in the building deteriorate.


Mark Voorhis
Building Manager
Purdue University
Birck Nanotechnology Center
Office: (765) 494-3036

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