[BNC-all] Hasan Sharifi Seminar, Birck 1001 at 1:30 pm, Friday, January 13th

Anthrop, Heather L hanthrop at purdue.edu
Wed Jan 11 15:37:29 EST 2017

Hasan Sharifi,  PhD
Department Manager, Millimeter Wave Subsystems, HRL Laboratories

Birck 1001 at 1:30 pm

Title: An overview of HRL capability and projects

Short Abstract: In this presentation, first an overview of HRL capability that may help initiate future collaborations with Purdue is presented. Then, a public-domain highlight of multiple projects geared towards mm-wave technology and mm-wave sub-systems are presented. These projects cover a wide range of activities from building devices and components to integrating sub-systems through design, device fabrication and technology development. These technologies also cover a wide electromagnetic spectrum (RF and mmW to IR) for various applications such as Radar, EW, Comm. and Night Vision sensors.

Short Bio: Hasan Sharifi is currently department manager and a senior research staff scientist for millimeter wave subsystems group at HRL Laboratories, Malibu, CA. He received his PhD degree in the area of Microelectronics and Nanotechnology from Purdue University, West Lafayette in 2007. His research topics include design and fabrication of RF, microwave and millimeter wave components based on silicon or III-V technologies (InP, GaN), radar sensors, as well as infrared imaging systems. Before joining HRL, he was a research staff member at Birck Nanotechnology Center, Purdue University from 2005 to 2009 working on CMOS-based RF integrated circuits as well as advanced heterogeneous integration and packaging.  Dr. Sharifi is the recipient of a number of awards, including special and extraordinary merit awards from Purdue University and HRL Labs. He has served as a technical program committee and editor for the IEEE Silicon Monolithic Integrated Circuits in RF Systems Conference. He is a senior member of IEEE and member of Microwave Theory and Techniques and Advanced Packaging societies.

Prof Mohammadi will host this event. If you would like to meet with the presenter, please contact Prof. Mohammadi  (saeedm at purdue.edu)

Refreshments served. 

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