[BNC-all] Fwd: NSAC Coffee Hour Announcement

Sajid Choudhury sajidmc at purdue.edu
Fri Oct 28 15:30:03 EDT 2016

Just a reminder that we are having the NSAC Coffee hour now at the atrium
---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Anthrop, Heather L <hanthrop at purdue.edu>
Date: Thu, Oct 27, 2016 at 11:28 AM
Subject: [BNC-all] NSAC Coffee Hour Announcement
To: "bnc-all at ecn.purdue.edu" <bnc-all at ecn.purdue.edu>

*NSAC Coffee Hour*

Speaker: Evan Witkoske

Title of the Talk: Nanoscale Lateral HBTs: (A Low Voltage Logic Switch?)

Venue: BNC Attrium

Date: 10/28/2016

Time: 3:30pm


Integrated circuit technology faces two important challenges: 1) continuing
to downscale device dimensions and 2) reducing power. Given the enormous
investment that has been made in the IC design infrastructure for CMOS, it
would be highly desirable to develop a “drop-in replacement” for Si CMOS –
one that could operate at lower voltages than Si CMOS, have better scaling
properties, and that could be used in CMOS style circuits operating at the
same or higher speeds.  The HBT, with its absence of a thin gate
dielectric, eliminates oxide scaling and electrostatic design challenges,
while also allowing high turn on currents. To utilize HBTs for low-power
CMOS, a small bandgap base and large bandgap emitter/collector with
appropriate band offsets must be used.  Parasitics must be minimized, but
the major obstacle is recombination, which lead to high base currents. We
show that if certain conditions are met, a low voltage, HBT with high drive
currents is achievable and could serve as a drop in replacement for CMOS.

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