[BNC-all] 2016 OSA and SPIE Traveling Lecturer Program on TUESDAY OCT 18, 2016 in Birck 1001

Justus C Ndukaife jndukaif at purdue.edu
Fri Oct 14 17:23:27 EDT 2016

Dear Colleagues,

Every year the Optical Society of America (OSA) and the Society for Optics and Photonics (SPIE) sponsors the annual Traveling Lecturer Program featuring talks by world leading experts working in the broad fields of Optics and Photonics. This year we are delighted to host Professor Mark Brongersma and Professor Richard Haglund as the 2016 OSA and SPIE Lecturers respectively. The details of the Lectures are provided below:

OSA Centennial Lecture by Professor Mark Brongersma (Stanford University)
Title: Active Optical Antennas and Metasurfaces
Date: Tuesday Oct 18, 2016 from 10am to 10:45am
Venue: Birck 1001

SPIE 2016 Visiting Lecture by Professor Richard Haglund (the Stevenson Professor of Physics, Vanderbilt University)
Title: A Phase-Changing Oxide for Ultrafast Silicon Photonics
Date: Tuesday Oct 18, 2016 from 2pm to 2:45pm
Venue: Birck 1001

All student members of OSA and SPIE are also invited to an informal lunch and discussion session with the Speakers in Birck 1001 from 1pm to 2pm.
Please see the attached flyer for details. We look forward to having you join us for the 2016 Traveling Lecturer Program.

Justus Ndukaife
President of the Purdue Student Chapter of the Optical Society of America
PhD Candidate in Electrical Engineering, Purdue University

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