[BNC-all] COMSOL Multiphysics Web Workshop for Purdue University (10/17)

Totten, Mary J tottenm at purdue.edu
Mon Oct 10 16:02:11 EDT 2016

I would like to invite you to an exclusive Web Workshop COMSOL will hold for Purdue University. The live online presentation will be held on Monday, October 17th from 2:00pm - 3:30pm EDT.

To Register, please visit:

We will discuss what the software can do, show you how it works with a live demo, and answer your questions. We will also demonstrate the built-in Application Builder tool and the COMSOL Server product that, when combined, allow you to deploy your simulations as apps over a web interface to colleagues and customers who are not simulation experts.


Seating is limited, so registration in advance is advised. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact Viswajith Hanasoge by email at viswajith at comsol.com<mailto:viswajith at comsol.com> or phone at 781-273-3322<tel:781-273-3322>.

Best Regards,

Viswajith Hanasoge
Technical Sales Engineer
viswajith at comsol.com<mailto:viswajith at comsol.com>
Ph: +1-781-273-3322<tel:%2B1-781-273-3322>
Fax: +1-781-273-6603<tel:%2B1-781-273-6603>

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