[BNC-all] BNC E-news for the week of Feb. 15th

Anthrop, Heather L hanthrop at purdue.edu
Mon Feb 15 09:19:35 EST 2016

Gloves use
It has been brought to our attention that we seem to be using an excess amount of acid gloves. Just a reminder for both the general labs and the cleanroom, the orange acid gloves are re-usable unless they have been used for piranha cleaning. In addition Ira marks them inside of the each week and will replace them after a number of weeks. These gloves can be rinsed, wiped dry and re-used unless damaged or show signs of deterioration. Please help to reduce the cost of facility operation. This will benefit everyone in the long run.

Wireless Receivers
For the next week we will be replacing wireless receivers within the building. Please be patient with any interruptions you may incur. Any questions or concerns please see Mary Jo Totten.

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