[BNC-all] NanoDays 2016: A Giga Thank you!

Peroulis, Dimitrios dperouli at purdue.edu
Mon Apr 25 14:41:15 EDT 2016

Dear all,

NanoDays 2016 (https://nanohub.org/groups/bnc/nanodays) earlier this month was a great opportunity for all of us to help impact a lot of lives. Over 200 individuals and groups worked hard to make this event a big success. Listing everyone here would make this email too long; I hope, though, you will get the chance to check out this link https://nanohub.org/groups/bnc/nanodays_contributors to find out more about that.

I would like to express our big thank you to everyone for selflessly contributing to this important event! As I am sure you have personally experienced, it makes a big difference for many kids and their families! I particularly wanted to thank Dr. Swati Pol and Ms. Jaime Turner for successfully leading this effort. It would simply have been impossible without their countless hours of work.

This year we had over 1000 participants in NanoDays, which is a 35% increase than last year. It includes over 170 volunteers, Girls scouts, K-12 grade students, home schools, teachers, parents and general audiences on all three days, April 13-15, 2016.

Also, there were research booths organized by 7 faculty (Professors Alexandra Boltasseva, Jong Hyun Choi, Vilas Pol, Vladimir Shalaev, Daniel Suter, Jeffrey Youngblood, Alex Wei, Dana Weinstein, Xianfan Xu) and 4 groups (nanoHub, NSAC, OSA/SPIE & ELSS) which was specifically appreciated by our visitors.

On behalf of the Birck Center, a Giga Thank you for NanoDays 2016 to all!

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