[BNC-all] BNC e-news for the week of May 18th

Anthrop, Heather L hanthrop at purdue.edu
Fri May 15 15:28:04 EDT 2015

Indiana Drug Discovery Alliance
Travel Credit Card

Indiana Drug Discovery Alliance
The Molecular Therapeutics Program, a part of the Indiana Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute, seeks applications for a competitive program that will provide funds and essential consultation to support the early stage development of therapeutics. This opportunity is provided in concert with the newly established Indiana Drug Discovery Alliance (IDDA), a clearinghouse for drug discovery and development resources at the Indiana-CTSI member institutions of Indiana University, Purdue University and the University of Notre Dame.

For more information please visit  www.indianactsi.org/grants

Travel Credit Card
Recently we have had many individuals traveling that do not have a Purdue Travel Credit Card.  A Purdue Travel Credit Card allows all travel charges (conference registration, flight, taxis, lodging, etc) related to your research to be charged to this card, eliminating the use of a personal card. If you feel you would benefit by having this card please fill out the form found below, get your PI's approval, and return the completed form  to Tiffany Gilbert in the business office (BRK 1014). If you have any questions or concern please see a member of the secretarial or business office staff.



The Vistec field service engineer has been here all week working on the VB6 to resolve the misplaced data problem.  A software issue was found along with a possible cable issue.  The system is now under test and calibration, and will become available if testing and calibration prove successful.  Please check Coral for status as we will turn the system green once all tests are passed successfully.  Thank you for your patience.

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