[BNC-all] BNC e-news for the week of May 4th

Anthrop, Heather L hanthrop at purdue.edu
Fri May 1 13:06:11 EDT 2015

Cleanroom Supplies
Lab 1217
New Equipment Requests

Cleanroom Supplies

Ira will be working next week, May 4 - 8, to clean out old supplies in the cleanroom using the same approach he used in Lab 1217.  If you have supplies you would like to retain please talk to Ira.

The kitchen is a shared space for all Birck users. If YOU make a mess, YOU need to clean it up. The refrigerator is shared space for all Birck users. It is NOT your personal space where gallons of milk and a weeks' worth of food can be stored. Do not take the refrigerator apart. If something spills clean it up! Kitchen spaces are not supposed to cost Purdue money, however many hours are spent cleaning up others messes unnecessarily. Be courteous and considerate of one another and take care of the space.

Lab 1217

Just a reminder that there is one week left to contact Ira to retain any supplies that were part of the Lab 1217 clean-up one week ago.  In one more week the unclaimed items will be sent to REM for disposal.

New Equipment Requests

In this week's survey a user suggested that more biomedical equipment should be included in the Birck labs.  We welcome inputs such as this, and anyone wishing to suggest new equipment should contact Ron directly to help us understand the equipment, its use, and how widely applicable it is in a multi-user facility.  We keep a new equipment forecast for the next several years, and we update it periodically.  These kinds of requests can and should go on the forecast.


ECE Faulty Candidate Seminar featuring Yurii Vlasov
Monday, May 4th at 10:30 am in MSEE 239
Optical interconnects in computing systems - from fiber to the server to fiber to the brain


5th Spectroscopic Imaging Workshop
July 9th - Symposium
July 10th - Imaging & Analysis Practice
For more information please visit: https://www.eventreg.purdue.edu/ec2k/CourseListing.aspx?master_id=4209&master_version=1&course_area=1296&course_number=107&course_subtitle=00

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