[BNC-all] BNC E-news for the week of January 12th

Anthrop, Heather L hanthrop at purdue.edu
Sat Jan 10 15:25:51 EST 2015

All User Meeting

All User Meeting
The annual All User meeting is scheduled for January 21st  and 22nd . You must attend one of the sessions.
Location: Lily Hall 1-105 at 7:00pm for both dates.

If you do not attend your laboratory and cleanroom access will be removed. Please make sure you attend.

The MSEE building will have a power outage on Saturday, Jan 10th from 8am until noon. This impacts the server rooms, and most ECN services will be unavailable during this time. The Birck Coral servers will be affected (down) by this outage, so no Coral logging, reservations or equipment enabling will be available. Please plan accordingly.

LAAST Seminar Featuring Professor Karin Dahmen
Universal Quake Statistics: from Nanopillars to Earthquakes
Friday, January 16th at 9:00 am in BRK 1001
For more information please visit: https://nanohub.org/groups/bnc/calendar/details/1106

The pre-requisites for BNC 150 have changed.

Pre-requisite for BNC 150
Complete Purdue University Laboratory Safety Fundamentals (LSF) online training: http://purdue.vividlms.com/
(You will need your Purdue Career Account login, password will be ID number to access the training.)
Complete Purdue University Lab Safety Fundamentals Part 1-3 and take the fundamentals exam and pass with a minimum of 80%

Chemical Hygiene Plan and Hazardous Materials Safety Manual<http://www.purdue.edu/ehps/rem/home/booklets/chp2014.pdf> http://www.purdue.edu/ehps/rem/home/guide.htm
You must bring a copy of the Certificate of Completion and the signed Awareness Certification form located on page 91 after reading the Chemical Hygiene and Hazardous Material Safety Manual to take BNC150.


As many of you know, Gale Lockwood left Purdue at the end of December and is now working overseas.  Tim Miller has assumed responsibility for wirebonding at Birck, so please see him for all your wire-bonding needs.

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