[BNC-all] BNC e-news for the week of August 10th

Anthrop, Heather L hanthrop at purdue.edu
Sun Aug 9 10:40:29 EDT 2015

Coral Outage

The Coral servers are located in MSEE, and that building will be undergoing a complete power shut-down on Saturday, August 15th.  This power outage, scheduled that Saturday from 7:00 am to 9:00 pm, will take the Coral servers offline.  The Birck staff will enable all equipment prior to the shutdown, so we ask our Birck users to please manually use log books and log sheets to record your usage during this outage.  Your understanding and cooperation are greatly appreciated.

Please see the below email announcement from Sundeep Rao of ECN:


You are receiving this email because you have an account on an ECN system.

Please be aware of another major power outage announced for the MSEE building during the day, Saturday, Aug 15th.  This will be a total shutdown, including airhandling, so no one will be allowed in the building.  Please plan for this outage, since it affects the vast majority of ECN services including file servers, license servers, websites, and mail hosted on ECN servers (Not Exchange and MyMail).

We will send you an additional reminder closer to the date.


-Sundeep Rao


Floor Maintenance
On Tuesday August 11th, the first floor women’s bathroom and the main stairwell will be closed for floor care.  Please use the elevator and 2nd floor women’s restroom.  For any questions, please contact Mary Jo at tottenm at purdue.edu<mailto:tottenm at purdue.edu>.

We will be starting some repair work on the kitchen counter on Monday the 10th.  You will not have access to the sink or cupboards, but you will still be able to access the refrigerator.  I will move one of the Microwave ovens to the hallway  outside the back of the kitchen on a table for you to use.  You will not be able to wash your dishes here in the building on those days.  Please DO NOT wash your dishes in the bathroom area.  If you have any questions, please let me know and thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

Thank you,
Mary Jo Totten

Personal Items in Birck Research Equipment

A personal item, a piece of jewelry, was discovered in the chamber of a Birck thin film deposition system.  It was determined that someone had placed this item in the system in order to deposit a thin layer of material on it, presumably to enhance its appearance.  Personal items are NEVER to be placed into Birck research equipment as this is a serious violation of protocol and good research practice.  Any personal item could cause the chamber to become contaminated with salts and/or body oils and this contamination could cause problems for subsequent films deposited.  This obviously could negatively affect research coming from this system.  Also, several days of staff time may be needed to completely strip the chamber and clean the system of any substances introduced by the personal item.  In addition, this is considered theft of Purdue property (source material) which is a serious issue.  So please DO NOT place any personal items into any research equipment at any time.

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