[BNC-all] BNC e-news for the week of May 12th

Anthrop, Heather L hanthrop at purdue.edu
Fri May 9 14:08:47 EDT 2014

Survey Feedback

20 parking spaces have been reserved from 10:00 am - 3:00pm on May 14th for an event in DLRC.

Alexander V. Kildishev
Quantum Photonics Faculty Candidate Seminar
Ongoing Transformation of Computational Nanophotonics
Thursday, May 15th at 9:30 am in Birck 1001
For more information please visit: https://nanohub.org/groups/bnc/calendar/details/993

Survey Feedback
Vistec VB6
We have received input that the Vistec VB6 electron beam system has had maintenance and process issues.  We would like to briefly summarize the approach we've been taking to resolve the problems.  Vistec engineering and field service have worked diligently with us to find and fix system problems, and over the last 7 years Vistec has spent over a half-million dollars (under maintenance contracts) on parts to fix issues as they were found.  That does not include the Vistec engineers' time and expenses.  (It is in Vistec' s best interest to keep our machine functioning at a high level).  Since the upgrade to Linux on our control system last year the software is checking parameters that the previous VAX/VMS software was incapable of checking.  This significantly moved us forward to improve the machine uptime and improve the capability of the system through various machine checks and calibrations.  Two system tests, a stitch test and a stability test, gave results that were within machine specification.  Vistec is currently reviewing what other tests could be run to help indicate any issues that could be addressed.
We have also uncovered some unreported user-generated problems.  Recently we had a problem due to a user entering a value into the machine which was incorrect.  It was fixed quickly and the machine was immediately returned to use.  Last week a height problem was plaguing some users.  A user had not followed procedure on loading of the cassette into the microscope and disturbed the height setting for all subsequent users.  They did not report the problem and the next users assumed it was a VB6 problem.  Once discovered the problem was fixed in 30 minutes . . . the height is fine now for all cassettes.  When things aren't working correctly please report them to Bill Rowe as soon as they are noticed so that Bill can address them right away.
                We are still working closely with Vistec to make improvements on the VB6.  Just this week they sent a new scan generator board to make improvements in our video.  We are also waiting on one of their programmers to fix a problem in our software that would allow us to look at the video on our two large monitors rather that our stand-alone monitor.  Information has also been exchanged with Vistec about the warnings we receive in the job calibration program for stigmation.  We continue to strive to make the VB6 a machine with high uptime and very good capabilities, taking a continuous improvement approach with Vistec as our key partner in these efforts.
Equipment Maintenance
We have received some feedback that our process equipment suffers from low uptime and that maintenance is an issue, but nothing specific was noted.  I would ask that future such inputs be a little more specific so that we may address specific process areas/equipment as they arise.

Thanks again for the very constructive feedback.


Employees who use Concur Travel and Expense to arrange travel, create travel requests and expense reports can gain some hands-on experience by attending TRVLC 200 - Concur Traveler Training. For more information please visit: Traveler Training Offered in May<https://spa2010.itap.purdue.edu/Business/_layouts/CopyUtil.aspx?Use=id&Action=dispform&ItemId=488&ListId=d97ebcab-2a45-4be6-9bde-6cbcadaac274&WebId=bb409b5a-c25e-498c-a028-7c6d1f8f88aa&SiteId=27dd274f-5068-4bf9-85dd-4dead0213bed&Source=https%3A%2F%2Fspa2010%2Eitap%2Epurdue%2Eedu%2FBusiness%2Fbpnews%2FPages%2Fdefault%2Easpx>
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