[BNC-all] Birck Copiers

Turner, Jaime J jjbiggs at purdue.edu
Fri Jul 11 09:37:01 EDT 2014

Sent on behalf of Professor Ali Shakouri, Director of Birck

Dear all,

We are going to have to do a $2000 repair on the 2nd-floor copier upstairs because someone stuck a sharp object (like a letter opener) in it trying to dislodge a jam and scratched a fuser, causing it to print black smudges on everything. This is considered equipment abuse and it will be treated as such. This will also not be covered by our contract either, since it was not wear and tear, so we will have to pay for it to be fixed. Please be particularly careful on using all BNC equipment including the copiers. Having the privilege of working in such a world-class laboratory requires good judgment in all actions from all of us.

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