[BNC-all] FW: URGENT-Reminder: Bindley Construction - Town Hall Mtg TODAY

Turner, Jaime J jjbiggs at purdue.edu
Wed Apr 25 12:59:23 EDT 2012

Discovery Park,

The Bindley Bioscience Center will be holding a town hall meeting for all of Discovery Park personal today, April 25th from 2:30-3:30 in MRGN room 121.  The Purdue Project Management and Construction team will be available to discuss parking, sidewalk access, building access, etc for the construction on the south side of the Bindley building starting April 30th.

If you have questions, please contact me.

Luanne Ludwig
Center Operations Manager
Bindley Bioscience Center
Discovery Park at Purdue University
lml at purdue.edu<mailto:lml at purdue.edu>

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