[BNC-all] Please welcome the latest addition to the BNC family---Mrs. Cynthia Salazar---NEW BNC Administrative Assistant

Allain, Monica M.C. mallain at purdue.edu
Sun May 1 21:11:35 EDT 2011

Dear BNC faculty, staff and students,

I apologize it has taken me this long to get this welcome out to the BNC family.  Without further delay, I would like to welcome Mrs. Cynthia (Cindy) Salazar.   We are very fortunate to have her as our new BNC administrative assistant where she will be supporting the Director, Scientific Director and Managing Director.  She will serve on the Marketing, BNC Graduate Ambassador and NanoDays team.  She will also supervise all the Clerical staff in the BNC and serve as the ISI liaison.  Her duties are vast, but she is very excited about the opportunity to serve in such an important role.

She comes to us with 12 years of university experience where she was a program coordinator in the Department of Forestry and Natural Resources.  She has extensive experience in qualtrics surveying and developing the layout for publications/newsletters.  She also holds a Technical Certificate in Administrative Office Technology from Indiana Vocational Technical College.

Please take some time to come by BRK 1027 to introduce yourself and welcome her to the BNC.

Best regards,

~ Monica M. Cortez Allain, Ph.D. ~

Monica M. Cortez Allain, Ph.D.
Managing Director
Birck Nanotechnology Center
1205 W. State Street
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2057
Phone:  (765) 494-5138    Fax: (765) 496-8299

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