[BNC-all] Weekly Memo: 09.27.10

Deborah Starewich deborah_starewich at comcast.net
Fri Sep 24 14:49:58 EDT 2010

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The BNC Monday MemoBNC News 
week of September 27, 2010 



The semiannual shutdown of the BNC will take place Tuesday through Friday, October 12-15, 2010. 

The CLEANROOM and LABS will be closed at 12:01 AM Tuesday morning. If all goes well, it will reopen at 8:00 AM Friday morning. If issues arise, it may be closed for some or all of Friday, October 15. Please remove all material from fume hoods prior to the cleanroom and lab closing. 

The startup times for the cleanroom and laboratories apply to the facility, not necessarily the equipment. Please check Coral for equipment downtime and startup times. 

Mark Voorhis 
(765) 494-3036 


The photocopiers/printers from BRK 1222 and BRK 2020 will be moved on Monday, October 11. The color machine in BRK 1222 will be moved to the second floor atrium area, just west of Birck 2001. The black and white machine in BRK 2020 will be moved to BRK 1222. 

An ECN training session to show users how to connect to the newly located machines will be held on Thursday, September 30, at 11:00AM, in Birck 1001. Several members of the staff and the Birck Ambassadors are planning on attending this session to be prepared to assist users in the connection. If you are interested in learning for yourself, please plan on attending. 


Tuesday, 09.28.10, 9:00AM to 5:00PM, Recreational Sports Building : Boiler Up' Roll'Em Up Blood Drive . Donate blood you and save a life! With every donation you can now earn Donor Points which can be used toward the purchase of Purdue memorabilia. 


Sunday, 10.03.10, 12:30PM to 5:00PM, HKN Fall paintball outing 

[ MORE ] 


visit nano.purdue.edu and refer to "Featured Events" for the most up-to-date seminar/workshop information. 

Monday, 09.27.10, 3:45, ARMS 1010: Directed Assembly of Nanocomposites Containing Synthetic and Biological Nanoparticles," by Ting Xu, Department of Materials Science and Engineering & Department of Chemisty, University of California, Berkeley. Refreshments served at 3:30, ARMS 1010. 

[ MORE ] 

Monday, 09.27.10, 8:00PM, Loeb Playhouse, STEW : "Global Warming Forum: Examining a Hot Topic," with Moira Gunn, host of NPR's Tech Nation and BioTech Nation. 

[ MORE ] 

Tuesday, 09.28.10, 4:30PM, CIVL 1252 : "What We Know and Don’t Know About the Toxicity of Nanomaterials: Challenges in Developing Experimental Approaches for Safety Assessment," by Peter Goering, PhD, Toxicologist, Center for Devices and Radiological Health, US Food and Drug Administration 

Wednesday, 09.29.10, 1:30-3:30: "Adobe Connect Web Conferencing, Collaboration, and Teaching Online," by ITaP. To view a full description and to register, click here . This course is intended for Purdue University staff and faculty who are interested in conducting web conferences to teach a live online class, or to collaborate with other colleagues around the campus or the world. 

Thursday, 09.30.10, 4:30PM, ME 161: "Contact Robotics," Neville Hogan, Sun Jae Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Professor of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Newman Laboratory for Biomechanics and Human Rehabilitation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Refreshments served at 4:00PM, ME 254. 

[ MORE ] 

Friday, 10.01.10, 10:30AM, ME 256: "Physical Dynamics, Controller Design and Contact Robotics," by Neville Hogan, Sun Jae Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Professor of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Newman Laboratory for Biomechanics and Human Rehabilitation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Refreshments served at 10:00AM, ME 254. 

[ MORE ] 


Monday, 10.04.10, 1:30PM, BRK 1001: "Nanotechnology Activities in Colombia: A Perspective from the Excellence Center for Novel Materials," by Professor Pedro Prieto, Director of CENM, Center of Excellence for Novel Materials, Universidad del Valle Cali, Colombia. Adobe Connect Users: Talk 1 - https://gomeet.itap.purdue.edu/prieto1/ 

[ MORE ] 

Tuesday, 10.05.10, 1:30PM, BRK 1001: "Correlation Between Structural and Mechanical Properties of Nano-multilayer TiCN/TiNbCN Coatings," by by Professor Pedro Prieto, Director of CENM, Center of Excellence for Novel Materials, Universidad del Valle Cali, Colombia. Adobe Connect: Talk 2 - https://gomeet.itap.purdue.edu/prieto2/ 

[ MORE ] 

Monday, 10.11.10, 9:00AM to 4:30PM, MRGN 121: Company Fund Raising Boot Camp: Real World Advice for Starting a Company. 

[ MORE ] 

Thursday, 10.14.10, 4:30PM, ME 161: "Challenges in Aerospace Propulsion (including saving the planet)," by Professor Stephen D. Heister, School of Aeronautics and Astronautics, School of Mechanical Engineering (by Courtesy), Purdue University, Director, Rolls-Royce UTC in High Mach Propulsion. Refreshments served 4:00PM, ME 254. 

[MORE ] 

Monday and Tuesday, 10.18.10 and 10.19.10, Symposium on Breast Cancer Prevention: Nutrition, Communication, and Public Policy. Registration includes all meals and coffee breaks: $175 or $100 for students and breast cancer advocates. Website 

SAVE THE DATE! Discovery Lecture Series 

[ FLIER ] 

Wednesday and Thursday, 11.10.10 and 11.11.10, 9:00AM to 5:00PM, Stewart Center West Foyer: "Traveling Technology Experience," by by Professor Aaron Cichanover, Cancer and Vascular Biology Research Center, Faculty of Medicine, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel 

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Wednesday, 11.10.10, 10:30AM, Fowler Hall: "Drug Development in the 21st Century: Are we going to cure all diseases?" by Professor Aaron Cichanover, Cancer and Vascular Biology Research Center, Faculty of Medicine, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel 

[ MORE ] 


Wednesday, 10.13.10, 5:30PM, Barnes and Thornburg, 11 S Meridian Street, Indianapolis: "Indiana Companies to Watch: Entrepreneurial Policy Town Hall Meeting." RVSP to Rita Reese at rreese at isbdc.org or 888.472.3244 by October 6th 

[ MORE ] 

Monday and Tuesday, 10.25.10 and 10.26.10, Virginia Tech: Workshop on the Impact of pen-based Technology in Education. www.wipte.org 

[ MORE ] 

Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, 11.08.10 to 11.10.10: SBIR National Conference, "Making Connections," Oklahoma City. 


“Syntheses, Characterizations and Applications of Oxide Nanocomposites Materials” 
(International Session E, presented in English) 

in MRS-J Academic Symposium to be held on Dec. 20-22, 2010 in YOKOHAMA, JAPAN. 

20th MRS-J Academic Symposium 

Dec. 20-22, 2010 in YOKOHAMA, JAPAN 

Syntheses, Characterizations and Applications of Oxide Nanocomposites Materials 
(International Session E) 

Register and submit your abstract at 

The 2011 World Congress on Electronics and Electrical Engineering [WCEEENG 2011] : Monday through Thursday, 04.04.11 to 04.07.11 , Cairo, Egypt 

Full Paper Submission Deadline (Dec. 31, 2010) 

[ MORE ] 


FY12 Washington Projects Call for White Papers due to OVPR by Friday, October 15, 2010. 

[ MORE ] 

The Core Pilot funding opportunity is open for applications through October 18, 2010. The guidelines and application are available on the Indiana CTSI HUB – log in using your university username and password and go to https://www.indianactsi.org/grants . 

[ MORE ] 


Faculty, staff, and students who have fever or other influenza symptoms should seek medical care. PLEASE DO NOT REPORT TO WORK WHILE ILL. 

Birck Nanotechnology Center staff will be notified of an emergency situation by telephone in the order set out in the BNC’s Phone Tree. BNC faculty members will receive an e-mail message from Monica Allain or Jim Cooper. 

Members of the Faculty (Professors and Research Professors) are responsible for contacting each of their group members, including graduate students, undergraduate researchers, postdoctoral fellows and research scientists. Specific instructions should be conveyed by phone if possible. All graduate students should register for the Purdue University e-mail alert system at http://news.uns.purdue.edu/mail.html . 

Additional information for pandemic and emergency preparation may be found at www.itap.purdue.edu/tlt/faculty and http://www.purdue.edu/emergency_preparedness 

Editorial policy set: personal information, i.e., newborn announcements, marriages, etc. [ More ] 

Submit items for memo of the week of October 4, 2010 by ****12 NOON**** on FRIDAY , 10.01.10, to Deborah Starewich dstarewi at purdue.edu 



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