[BNC-all] FW: CANCELED-* electrical shutdown MSEE

Reger, Ronald K rreger at purdue.edu
Thu Oct 7 12:43:38 EDT 2010

Dear Birck Users,

Due to unforeseen circumstances, the electrical shutdown of the MSEE scheduled for this Saturday, October 9th, has been postponed to a later date (see attached memo).  Please disregard my previous note about Coral being suspended/shut down this Saturday.  The Coral servers will remain active so please log into Coral as usual throughout this weekend.

Thanks for your understanding.


From: John Coy [mailto:jcoy at purdue.edu]
Sent: Thursday, October 07, 2010 12:26 PM
To: Reger, Ronald K
Subject: Fwd: CANCELED-* electrical shutdown MSEE

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Christopher N. Deckard" <cnd at ecn.purdue.edu<mailto:cnd at ecn.purdue.edu>>
Date: October 7, 2010 10:46:39 AM GMT-04:00
To: John Coy <jcoy at purdue.edu<mailto:jcoy at purdue.edu>>
Subject: Fwd: Fwd: CANCELED-* electrical shutdown MSEE

Hash: SHA1


MSEE Buillding Occupants,
   I received the following Memorandum below in regards to the
Electrical shutdown that was scheduled for the MSEE building this
Saturday. This shutdown has been canceled and will need to reschedule
after we have had a chance to look at the calendar. When this shutdown
takes place we will need to shut down the building for 6-8 hours and No
one will be allowed in for safety reasons because the lights will be
off. If you have any dates that will not work with
your research please get those times to me ASAP. They need for us to
have the meters installed before the end of the year and the dates that
they can do the work are filling up quickly.

   One more bit of information that I need to pass along is next Monday
and Tuesday October 11th and 12th the maintenance folks will be working
on several of the air handlers in the MSEE building and the EE building.
You will notice the Air Conditioning going on and off at times. One of
the Main air handlers
for the MSEE building will be down for most of the day on Monday. The
unit # is ACB-4. Please take a look at the Link below to locate the
areas that ACB-4 takes care of.



TO: R. E. McMains

FROM: T. L. Graham

DATE: October 7, 2010

RE: *CANCELLED-* electrical shutdown MSEE

The electrical shutdown at MSEE scheduled for Saturday, October 9, 2010,
has been *canceled. *It will be re scheduled at a later date to tie in
the electric meter.

This shutdown was requested by Leon DeCamp.

Cc Dave Rowe

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