[BNC-all] NSAC T-Shirts are Here!

Cara Smith smith543 at purdue.edu
Wed Oct 28 16:48:24 EDT 2009

The NSAC T-shirts have arrived.  If you placed an order for one, please stop
by Cara's desk in BRK1092 to pick up and pay for your order.  Just a
reminder:  the price is $12 per T-shirt.  Payment must be made in cash.

If you did NOT order a T-shirt but you are still interested in purchasing
one, we have ordered a few extras in several different sizes.  Please
contact Cara Smith (smith543 at purdue.edu) for more info on size and

Thank you!

Your NSAC Officers,
Caitlin Burger, Cara Smith, Alfredo Tuesta, John Wilcox
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