[BNC-all] WEEKLY MEMO: 05.26.08

Deborah S. Starewich dstarewi at purdue.edu
Fri May 23 16:59:04 EDT 2008

WEEKLY MEMO, May 27, 2008
1.1:  Monday, May 26, 2008, is a university HOLIDAY: don¹t come to work :)
1.2:  The BNC Procurement Officer (Ira Young) will be on vacation 05/26/08
to 06/02/08. Specialty chemical deliveries will be handled by Steve Jurss.
Urgent stocking requests will be handled by Jennifer Monahan.  The BNC
storeroom will be manned briefly on Tuesday and Thursday afternoon from
1:15-1:30pm for purchases of common lab items.
1.3:  BNC is switching chemical suppliers for stock acids: In February, our
acid supplier ICR had an equipment malfunction and shipped a batch of BOE
that was 10x too dilute; all faulty material has been pulled and was
replaced with tested BOE lots dated 03/19/08 and 03/28/08; demands from BNC
for more rigorous quality controls and documentation were unmet; BNC is
phasing out ALL ICR materials and switching to J.T. BAKER for all acid
supplies (HF, BOE, H2SO4, HCl, HNO3).  The cross over will occur as each
acid stock is consumed.
1.4:  Red Hawk has been working on the software for the card reader system.
It was originally thought that all work would be transparent and that Birck
residents would be unaffected, however, the outer doors have been locking
unexpectedly.  Birck facility staff members have been temporarily fixing the
problem by wedging the doors open with doorstops.  If you continue to
experience trouble, please contact Mary Jo Totten (tottenm at purdue.edu).
*see abstracts/bios below
2.1A:  Tuesday, May 27, 2008, 10:30AM, MRGN 112: ³Optofluidic Ring
Resonators: The Interface Between Photonics and Fluidics for Bio/chemical
Sensing,² by Dr. Xudong (Sherman) Fan, Assistant Professor, Biological
Engineering Department, University of Missouri.
2.2B:  Thursday, May 29, 2008, 8:45AM, Breakfast, MJIS 1001: ³What Is
Inventorship?² by Attorney Brad Addison.  REGISTER TO ATTEND:
3.1:  NCN Student Research Symposium (NSRS), Tuesday, May 27, 2008,
10:00-3:00, MRGN.
3.2: Oxide Nanocomposites Symposium at ICCE-16 Conference, July 20-26, 2008,
China.  For applications and inquiries, please contact the Steering
Organizers: Hiroshi Kezuka (<kezuka at bs.teu.ac.jp>), Katherine
Develos-Bagarinao (<develos-bagarinao at aist.go.jp>). You are requested to
send paper titles immediately to the organizers.  When you submit your
abstract to Prof. David Hui (ICCE Chair) and Prof. Hiroshi Kezuka (Symposium
Steering Organizer), please note the category of ³Oxide Nanocomposites
4.  ABSTRACTS/BIOS for seminars
A:  Tuesday, May 27, 2008, 10:30AM, MRGN 112:  ³Optofluidic Ring Resonators:
The Interface Between Photonics and Fluidics for Bio/chemical Sensing,² by
Dr. Xudong (Sherman) Fan, Assistant Professor, Biological Engineering
Department, University of Missouri.
ABSTRACT:  Optical ring resonators are an emerging sensing technology that
has recently been under intensive investigation. In a ring resonator, the
light propagates in the form of whispering gallery modes (WGMs) or guided
waveguide modes, which results in a light-analyte interaction length much
longer than the resonator physical size. In this talk, we will overview the
latest progress in ring resonator bio/chemical sensor development. In
particular, we will discuss the opto-fluidic ring resonator (OFRR) developed
in our lab that integrates microfluidics and photonics. Applications of the
OFRR in label-free biosensors, microfluidic lasers, fluorescence
bio-detection, chemical vapor sensors, and gas chromatography will be
SHORT BIO:  Dr. Fan obtained B.S. and M.S. in physics from Peking University
in 1991 and 1994, respectively, and Ph.D. in physics and optics from Oregon
Center for Optics at the University of Oregon in 2000. Between 2000 and
2004, he was a project leader at 3M-Austin on fiber optics and optical
biosensor development. In August of 2004, he joined the Biological
Engineering Department at the University of Missouri as an assistant
professor.  Dr. Fan¹s research includes development of novel photonic
bio/chemical sensors based on ring resonators and nanoparticles. He has over
40 publications and over 10 issued/pending patents. Dr. Fan serves as a
chair and organizer of conferences for SPIE and MRS. He is a recipient of 3M
Non-Tenured Faculty Award, American Chemical Society Young Faculty Award,
the Wallace H. Coulter Early Career Award, and the prestigious National
Science Foundation CAREER Award. His research is supported by National
Science Foundation, National Institute of Health, private foundations, and
industrial companies.
If you are interested in meeting Dr. Fan, please contact Dr. Chang Lu
(changlu at purdue.edu <mailto:changlu at purdue.edu> ) to set up an appointment.
B:  Thursday, May 29, 2008, 8:45AM, Breakfast, MJIS 1001: ³What Is
Inventorship?² by Attorney Brad Addison.  REGISTER TO ATTEND:
Brad Addison is a partner and a member of the Intellectual Property
Department of Barnes and Thornburg LLP, where his practice focuses on the
preparation and prosecution of patent applications in the chemical and
biological technology areas.  He earned his BS degree in biology from
Indiana State University, his PhD from the University of Kentucky, and his
JD from the University of Cincinnati in 1993 (bio available here:

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