[BNC-all] WEEKLY MEMO: 070708

Deborah S. Starewich dstarewi at purdue.edu
Thu Jul 3 17:02:12 EDT 2008

WEEKLY MEMO, July 7, 2008
1.1:  Annie Cheever has moved from BRK 2027.  We¹ve created a new
secretarial work area located near the Birck/Bindley skywalk entryway.
Please stop by to check out her new digs.  This move was necessary due to
the recent hire of a secretary for the PRISM Center now located in the BRK
2027 suite.  The PRISM secretary will begin later this month.  There are no
changes in secretarial assignments at this time.  As we have the opportunity
to add support staff, secretarial assignments will be visited at those
1.2:  COURSE ANNOUNCEMENT; ME 697W Micro and Nano Fluid Mechanics; Fall
Semester, Tu/Th 12:00-1:15; Instructor: Steve Wereley, Associate Professor,
ME.  Microscopic flows are appearing everywhere these days.  Despite their
prevalence in science and engineering fields, they are not well
understood‹in large part because the fluid mechanics intuition developed in
the study of macroscale flows frequently does not apply to microscopic
flows.  This class will prepare engineers and scientists to address problems
they will encounter when studying the behavior of fluid flows in microscopic
domains.   The course will concentrate on behaviors not typically important
at large length scales that become very important at small length scales,
such as Van der Waals forces, surface tension, and electrostatic forces. The
course will take a largely analytical approach to studying these flow
phenomena although some computational modeling will also performed.
Previous experience with graduate level fluid mechanics (i.e. Navier-Stokes
solutions) is essential.  Some computational analysis of model problems may
be performed using commercial software (ANSYS or Fluent).  Course
Objectives:  To learn how fluids behave in microscopic domains that are
still large enough for continuum flow approximations to hold.  To learn
where the continuum assumptions are no longer valid.  To learn how to treat
sub-continuum fluid flows.  Prerequisites by Topic:  The student should be
of graduate standing.  The student should have had experience with graduate
level fluid mechanics, in particular deriving and solving the Navier-Stokes
equations. Computer Usage:  The students may need to use ANSYS, Matlab,
Fluent, or a comparable package, to perform some of the computations
necessary for the course.  Assessment Methods:  Grades will be based on
homework assignments, two projects, and a final exam.  The relative weight
of these components is 25%, 50%, and 25%, respectively.
4.1:  The National Science Foundation recently released a new solicitation
for the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Talent Expansion
Program (STEP), which seeks to increase the number of students (US citizens
or permanent residents) receiving associate or baccalaureate degrees in
established or emerging fields within science, technology, engineering, and
mathematics (STEM).  Type 1 proposals are solicited that provide for full
implementation efforts at academic institutions.  Type 2 proposals are
solicited that support educational research projects on associate or
baccalaureate degree attainment in STEM.  The request for proposals is
available at http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2008/nsf08569/nsf08569.htm
<http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2008/nsf08569/nsf08569.htm> .  For this
competition, Purdue may submit one Type 1 proposal as lead institution or
part of a consortium (there is no limit on Type 2 proposals).  Internal
deadlines are as follows:  Monday, July 28: Letters of Intent due to the
OVPR; Monday, August 11: Preproposals due to the OVPR.  Please note: Letters
of intent, preproposals, and rankings to the OVPR should be e-mailed to
OVPRlimited at purdue.edu. Purdue's limited submission policy and template for
letters of intent may be found at
<http://dagon.admin.purdue.edu/cgi-bin/lsid.cgi> . For any case in which the
number of internal letters of intent received is no more than the number of
proposals allowed by the sponsor, the OVPR will notify the PI that an
internal preproposal will be unnecessary.
4.2:  The Burroughs Wellcome Fund has invited Purdue University to nominate
up to five candidates for its 2009 competition for the above program, which
provides clinically trained individuals with bridging support in basic
biomedical, disease oriented, translational, or molecular, genetic, or
pharmacological epidemiology research at North American degree granting
institutions.  The CAMS program provides $700,000 over five years to bridge
advanced postdoctoral/fellowship training and the early years of faculty
service. The ideal candidate, who must hold an M.D., D.D.S., D.V.M.,
Pharm.D., or equivalent clinical degree, will be two years away from
becoming an independent investigator, have at least two years or more of
research experience, and have a significant publication record.  Further
information is available at
<http://www.bwfund.org/programs/CAMS/cams_apply.html> .  Internal deadlines
are as follows:  Monday, August 4: Letters of Intent due to the OVPR;
Monday, August 25: Preproposals due to the OVPR.  Please note: Letters of
intent, preproposals, and rankings to the OVPR should be e-mailed to
OVPRlimited at purdue.edu. Purdue's limited submission policy and template for
letters of intent may be found at
<http://dagon.admin.purdue.edu/cgi-bin/lsid.cgi> . For any case in which the
number of internal letters of intent received is no more than the number of
proposals allowed by the sponsor, the OVPR will notify the PI that an
internal preproposal will be unnecessary.
4.3:  Two 3-year postdoctoral positions in Plasma Nanoscience at CSIRO,
Australia (Deadline 18 July 2008).
The newly established Plasma Nanoscience Centre Australia based at CSIRO
Materials Science and Engineering, Lindfield (Sydney), NSW, AUSTRALIA is now
recruiting three highly-productive, ambitious researchers (2 Post doctoral
fellows are among them) with a range of complementary experimental,
theoretical, and computational skills to contribute to the project led by
CEO Science Leader Professor Kostya (Ken) Ostrikov on plasma-aided
fabrication of structural and functional nanomaterials, nanostructures, and
nanoscale assemblies. The research programme will involve close interaction
with the group led by Professor A. B. Murphy and other researchers at CMSE
and other divisions of CSIRO. You will be participating in cutting-edge
multidisciplinary research aimed at finding the most effective
plasma-related controls and developing advanced and versatile fabrication
approaches, processes and tools for the production of next-generation
nanomaterials. This research will involve a large-scale international
collaboration and is expected to result in a large number of publications in
high-impact international journals.
Prospective applicants are strongly encouraged to familiarise themselves
with the plasma - aided nanofabrication techniques and approaches (see,
e.g., K. Ostrikov and A. B. Murphy, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., v. 40, p.2223,
2007; K. Ostrikov, Rev. Mod. Phys. v. 77, p. 489, 2007, and K.Ostrikov and
S. Xu, Plasma-Aided Nanofabrication: from Plasma Sources to Nanoassembly,
Wiley-VCH, 2007), that will be used in this project.
The positions are initially for 3 years with the possibility of further
fixed-term extension(s) for up to another 2 years and even longer, subject
to funds availability, performance and need. Outstanding performers may be
offered permanent positions at the end of their fixed-term appointments.
Salary and pension fund contributions (superannuation) are very competitive
For further details about these positions, selection criteria and
instructions how to apply, please refer to
https://recruitment.csiro.au/asp/job_details.asp?RefNo=2008%2F669 or to
CSIRO Careers Website https://recruitment.csiro.au/asp/index.asp (key in the
Position Reference Number 2008/669). Applications must be uploaded through
this website.
If after reading the selection documentation you have any questions
specifically relating to this position, please contact Kostya (Ken) Ostrikov
via email: Kostya.Ostrikov at csiro.au .

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