[BNC-all] Birck Publications, on behalf of TIM SANDS

Deborah Starewich dstarewi at exchange.purdue.edu
Mon Jan 7 15:59:52 EST 2008

Dear Birck Nanotechnology Center Colleague:

I am pleased to report that the BNC research community surpassed a
significant milestone with the publication of 100 (and counting) archival
journal articles in the 2007 calendar year (in Web of Science, search with
ADDRESS = birck nano*).   This figure compares with 64 in 2006 and and 18 in

Although the number of papers itself does not describe the impact of the BNC
community's contribution, it is notable that several of these papers are
already being cited at a very high rate, and many more have been featured in
the technical and lay press (thanks also to our active Purdue News Service
and Discovery Park staff, particularly Emil Venere and Phillip Fiorini).

Please do continue to use the "Birck Nanotechnology Center" as one of your
affiliations when, in your judgment as an author, the BNC facilities or
research community has been an enabling factor in the research to be
reported.  Doing so helps us measure the impact of the BNC for our
stakeholders, and provides valuable evidence in strengthening our
center-scale proposals.

Let me also remind you that publications with BNC affiliations may be
submitted for posting on e-Pubs (http://docs.lib.purdue.edu/nanopub/) under
the ³Birck Publications² listing.  These postings enable wider distribution
of your work within the constraints of copyright restrictions and embargos
imposed by publishers.  Please send your recent publications (pdf format)
with the BNC as an affiliation to Jeff Goecker (jgoecker at purdue.edu) and he
will assist in posting the paper.

In response to requests from the larger ³nano² community at Purdue, we have
added a new category in e-Pubs entitled ³Other Nanotechnology Publications.²
These are articles in nanoscience, nanoengineering and nanotechnology that
have been published by Purdue authors but are not affiliated explicitly with
the BNC.  Jeff has loaded several articles to initiate the site.  In the
future, feel free to add your own nano-related publications to this site.
Jeff can answer questions related to the process of uploading to this site.

Best wishes for 2008,

Tim Sands
Mary Jo and Robert L. Kirk Director,
Birck Nanotechnology Center

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