Deborah Starewich dstarewi at exchange.purdue.edu
Mon Jan 7 09:48:56 EST 2008

MONDAY MEMO, January 7, 2008
1. Announcements
1.1:  REMINDER: contact Melissa Lane (lanem at purdue.edu) to schedule rooms
for your Spring Semester Group Meetings.  Any reservations made last Fall
have been deleted; you must renew your group meetings every semester.
1.2:  Try your Monday Memo via RSS feed:
1.3:  New Class Spring 2008, ABE 591E:  ³Microsystems Engineering for
BioSystems,² 3 credit hrs; TTh 12:00­1:15; ABE Room 106A; Instructor D.
Marshall Porterfield
Course description:  This interactive course is designed for both biologists
and engineers and will cover the fundamental science and engineering
concepts required to work in this emerging interdisciplinary field. This
will include coverage of basic concepts in analytical chemistry, cell
biology, biochemistry, immunology, microelectronics, MEMS, microfabrication,
microfluidics, molecule biology, and optics. We will also offer specific
discussion of applications both present and future.  Selected topics include
Biomolecular Structures and Cell Physiology, Biosensors, Chromatography,
Data Acquisition and Signal Processing, Electrophoresis and Blotting,
Enzymatic Methods and Kinetics, Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA)
applications in Biosensing, Glass and polymer micromachining, PCR and DNA
synthesis, Recombinant DNA Techniques for Biotechnology, DNA and Protein
Microarrays, Flow Cytometry Instrumentation, Lab-on-a-chip Systems,
Molecular Computing, Microfluidics: Theoretical and Practical Components,
The Omics Revolution, Silicon Processing, Separations techniques; material
will be from a reference text (TBD), and research papers based on student
2.1:  Tuesday, January 8, 11:50am: Prof. Kevin Webb and program review team.
3.1:  Wednesday, January 9, 2:30PM, BRK 1001:  ³The Design and
Characterization of the Kevin G. Hall Nanometrology Laboratory,² by Prof.
Ron Reifenberger.
ABSTRACT:  This seminar summarizes the capabilities of the high accuracy
Kevin G. Hall Laboratory which is located in Purdue¹s newly completed Birck
Nanotechnology Center. The seminar is primarily intended for anyone
interested in designing, building and characterizing a high accuracy room
for nanoscience research. The talk will summarize the design specifications
and character-ization the Hall Laboratory. Relevant issues related to
electrical power, vibration isolation, thermal stability, acoustic
isolation, and EMI shielding will be discussed. The talk will conclude with
a few lessons learned.
BIO:  Ron Reifenberger is currently a professor of Physics at Purdue
University and is a member of Purdue¹s Center for Sensing Science and
Technology (CSST).  He is also a member of Purdue¹s Birck Nanotechnology
Center. Reifenberger received his PhD in Physics from the University of
Chicago in 1976 and has received the Distinguished Physics Alumni Award from
his alma mater, John Carroll University, in 1992. He is on the Editorial
Board of the Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. His research is
mainly focused on the development of new scanning probe microscope
techniques for the study the nanoscale properties of matter.
4.1:  Stacy Brown and family welcome a new addition to the family: Mason Eli
was born on Friday, January 4 at 9:44AM; he weighed 8 lbs, 13 oz and was
21.5 inches long.

Deborah S. Starewich
Administrative Assistant to Timothy D. Sands, Director
Birck Nanotechnology Center
Purdue University

dstarewi at ecn.purdue.edu


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