[BNC-all] [BNC-cleanroom] Discarding Photoresist

PEIXUAN GUO guop at purdue.edu
Fri Aug 29 10:03:02 EDT 2008

Thank you for including me as your family. But I 
have moved out of Purdue, could you please 
revolve me from the regular malling list? For 
sure I am happy to communicate with you, but not 
the regular mailing for every one.

Peixuan Guo, Ph. D.
Dane and Mary Louise Miller Endowed Chair in Biomedical Engineering
Director of NIH National Center of Phi29 DNA Packaging Motor for Nanomedicine
Director of Nanobiomedical Center of the  University of Cincinnati
Professor of Dept of Biomedical Engineering
The Vontz Center for Molecular Studies
3125 Eden Avenue, Rm 2308
University of Cincinnati/College of Engineering/College of Medicine
Cincinnati, OH 45267
Phone: (513)558-0041, Fax: (513)558-6079
Email: guop at purdue.edu, guopn at ucmail.uc.edu

Web Address:

At 09:41 2008-8-29, Weaver, John R wrote:
>Content-class: urn:content-classes:message
>Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
>         boundary="----_=_NextPart_001_01C909DC.FD466FE5"
>The BNC Engineering Staff does a periodic review 
>of materials in the cleanroom and laboratories, 
>discarding materials that are no longer in 
>use.  This is necessary to keep the inventory 
>levels of materials within fire code 
>requirements, to provide adequate storage space 
>for active materials, and to rid the facility of 
>materials belonging to students who have graduated.
>In completing this procedure this month we made 
>a very bad mistake.  The e-mail that went out to 
>the cleanroom users did not reach all of the 
>users due to a computer glitch.  It did reach 
>some users, and unfortunately when we checked to 
>see if it went out, the users who were contacted 
>were ones that HAD received the message – an 
>unfortunate coincidence.  As a consequence, not 
>everyone was informed of what was to occur and 
>what steps they should take to indicate that 
>their material should be saved.  This resulted 
>in discarding photoresist that should not have been discarded.
>As a staff, we are very sorry that this 
>happened.  It was a mistake on our part to use 
>only one method of communication.  All of us 
>wish that we could somehow reverse this 
>incident, but the photoresist is gone.  All we 
>can do now is to apologize, and to put in place 
>steps to ensure that this does not happen again.
>In the future, communications of this sort will 
>be four-fold.  First, we will send out a 
>BNC-Cleanroom e-mail.  Second, we will post the 
>information in the Monday Memo.  Third, we will 
>put the information on the BNC News portion of 
>the Web.  Finally, we will post paper signs on 
>the cleanroom entrance and on the doors to the photoresist fume-hood cabinets.
>We apologize for this incident, and for the 
>problems it has caused.  This was an error on 
>our part, and we have put in place procedures to 
>prevent its recurrence.  That does not help 
>those who lost their photoresist, that is 
>something we cannot reverse.  For that, we are truly sorry.
>Please accept our apology and be assured that we 
>will do our best to prevent this type of incident from occurring in the future.
>John Weaver
>Facility Manager
>BNC-cleanroom mailing list
>BNC-cleanroom at ecn.purdue.edu

Peixuan Guo, Ph. D.
Dane and Mary Louise Miller Endowed Chair in Biomedical Engineering
Director of NIH National Center of Phi29 DNA Packaging Motor for Nanomedicine
Director of Nanobiomedical Center of the  University of Cincinnati
Professor of Dept of Biomedical Engineering
The Vontz Center for Molecular Studies
3125 Eden Avenue, Rm 2308
University of Cincinnati/College of Engineering/College of Medicine
Cincinnati, OH 45267
Phone: (513)558-0041, Fax: (513)558-6079
Email: guop at purdue.edu, guopn at ucmail.uc.edu

Web Address:

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