[BNC-all] Weekly memo

Deborah S. Starewich dstarewi at purdue.edu
Mon Apr 21 08:40:35 EDT 2008

WEEKLY MEMO, April 21, 2008
1. Announcements
1.1: Additional landscaping work will be taking place around the BNC to
repair several problems with the existing landscape.  These should have a
minimal affect on the building, but at times may have sidewalks temporarily
closed.  Additionally, there will be some noise- and vibration-creating
activities where concrete must be cut and removed.  This work will take
place between May 1 and June 19, 2008.  Major vibration-creating activities
are planned for mornings during the week of May 5.  Please contact John
Weaver jrweaver at purdue.edu if this timing is problematic.
2.1:  Bindley 233 autoclave training scheduled:  Friday, April 25, 1:00PM.
Sign up at http://www.itap.purdue.edu/training/registration/?offeringid=2716
<http://www.itap.purdue.edu/training/registration/?offeringid=2716> .
Anyone interested in this training may contact Christy Cooper
(clcooper at purdue.edu; 43403).
2.1:  Tuesday, 04.22.08: RCHE Annual Conference activities
2.2:  Tuesday, 04.22.08, 2:45:  Happy Hollow Elementary School¹s Nanoscience
2.3:  Thursday, 04.24.08, 10:15:  Jinsong Zhao, Tsinghua University
2.4:  Thursday, 04.24.08, 4:00:  Placido Navas, and staff with Foods &
Nutrition Department, Purdue
3.1:  Monday, April 21, 2008, 3:30PM, MSEE 239: ³Networking via
Message-Passing,² by Sujay Sanghavi.
ABSTRACT: How to achieve global results via local action? This, in essence,
is the underlying challenge in many problems in modern information systems.
Belief Propagation (BP) has enjoyed tremendous empirical success in broadly
addressing this challenge, in a diverse array of applications: image
processing, decoding of channel codes, machine learning, statistical physics
etc. However, BP is a heuristic; the lack of precise guarantees on its
performance stands in stark contrast to its empirical success. In this talk
we expand the analytical understanding of BP, and widen its applicability,
by investigating its performance in a new domain: networking. We first
motivate how the fundamental structure of many networking problems makes BP
a natural fit for these problems, by focusing on three specific
applications: wireless scheduling, sensor network self-organization, and
resource allocation. We highlight its algorithmic simplicity, and
demonstrate its empirical performance. We then show that the setting of
networking problems allows for a deeper insight into BP itself. At the core
of our networking applications lie canonical combinatorial problems:
weighted matching and independent set. Our analysis reveals that, for these
problems, BP is precisely a fast distributed implementation of linear
programming. This insight has the potential to foster even better algorithms
for the large spectrum of applications that BP is already applied to. We
also demonstrate the first use of BP as a proof technique, using our
analysis to establish fundamental structural properties of random instances·
of weighted independent set problems. In conclusion, we comment on the
potential of BP as a generic framework for distributed algorithms, on
adapting it for new applications, and on the need for a richer exchange of
ideas between the fields of communications and statistical learning and
BIO: Sujay Sanghavi received his B. Tech in Electrical Engineering from liT
Bombay, after which he joined the University of lIIinois, Urbana-Champaign.
There he received an MS in Mathematics, and an MS and PhD in Electrical
Engineering. Sujay's graduate research focused on communication networks,
under the advice of Bruce Hajek. After graduating, Sujay jolned MIT as a
postdoc ln Alan WHIsky's group. where he works on large-scale statistical
inference and machine learning, and on their interactions with networking
and communications. Sujay's primary research interest is the development and
analysis of large-scale distributed algorithms for modern information
systems. using tools from probability, optimization and combinatorics. He
was a recipient of the Perry award in 2002, and the Mavis award in 2005,
while at UIUC.
3.2:  Tuesday, April 22, 2008, 1:00PM, BRK 2001: ³Nanoscale Characterization
of Nanoelectromechanical and Biological Systems,² by Dr. Changhong Ke.
ABSTRACT: Nanotechnology is impacting many fields including the electronics
industry and life sciences. Novel nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS) are
being investigated for next generation electronics and sensors with superior
performance. Nanoscale instrumentation offers unprecedented capacities to
characterize complex biological systems with ultrahigh sensitivities. In the
first part of my talk, I will briefly review recent advances in NEMS and
present the development of a novel carbon nanotube-based bistable nanoswitch
for applications of memory elements and sensors. The unique
electromechanical behaviors of this device are demonstrated by multi-physics
modeling and in-situ SEM testing.  Failure modes of the device captured by
our in-situ measurements will be discussed. In the second part of my talk, I
will present my recent work studying the elasticity and conformation of
single stranded adenine-based DNA and RNA molecules by single molecule
atomic force spectroscopy. I will focus on discussing direct measurements of
the mechanical strength of base-stacking interactions among adenines and the
elasticity of solvent driven molecular conformations.
BIO: Dr. Changhong Ke is currently an assistant professor in the Department
of Mechanical Engineering at the State University of New York at Binghamton.
Dr. Ke received his BS and MS from Beijing Institute of Technology (Beijing,
China) in 1997 and 2000, respectively. He obtained his PhD in Mechanical
Engineering from Northwestern University in 2006. His PhD dissertation
focused on the development of a carbon nanotube-based bistable nanoswitch
for applications of memory elements and sensors. After finishing his PhD, he
worked as a postdoctoral fellow at Duke University, where he conducted
research on the topics of measuring DNA/RNA elasticity using AFM-based
single molecule force spectroscopy and detecting radiation induced DNA
damage at the single molecule level by AFM imaging and pulling measurements.
Dr. Ke is a member of ASME and BPS.
3.3:  Wednesday, April 23, 2008, 2:30PM, EE 317:  ³Nonvolatile Flash Memory:
An Overview,² by Souvik Mahapatra.
ABSTRACT: In this talk, we will review the memory program and erase
operation of floating gate flash cells under both NAND and NOR architecture.
The reliability issues, such as cycling endurance, retention and array
disturbs will be reviewed next. Finally, the floating gate cell scaling
challenges will be discussed, and flash memories having newer charge storage
node (nitride, metal nanocrystals) will be reviewed.
BIO: Souvik Mahapatra received his PhD in Electrical Engineering from IIT
Bombay, India in 1999. He was with Bell Laboratories, Lucent technologies,
Murray Hill, NJ, USA during 2000-01. Since 2002 he is with the Department of
Electrical Engineering, IIT Bombay, India, and presently holds the post of
Associate Professor. His research interests are CMOS device and Flash memory
scaling and reliability. He has published more than 75 papers in
international journals and conferences, delivered invited talks in major
international conferences including the IEDM, and was a tutorial speaker at
IRPS. He is a senior member of IEEE.
3.4a:  Thursday, April 24, 2008, 10:00AM, YONG 755: ³Roundtable with Prince
Cedza Dlamini²; learn about Prince Dlamini¹s ideas on Service Learning and
opportunities for Purdue faculty.
3.4b:  Thursday, April 24, 2008, 4:00PM, STEW 306:  ³Formal Presentation:
Service Learning experiences in South Africa and Swaziland.²
Prince Cedza Dlamini, grandson of Nelson Mandela, is visiting campus to
promote our faculty and students engaging in Service Learning experiences in
South Africa and Swaziland.  Prince Cedza has founded a non-profit
organization to promote and support exchanges between our two countries and
is focusing on several institutes of higher learning in Indiana, including
Purdue. Actually, many South African and Swaziland students attend Indiana
State University, though Purdue has a few attending here, too.
3.5:  Thursday, April 24, 2008, 10:30AM refreshments; 11:00AM seminar, MRRGN
121:  ³Population Balance Models and Distribution Control,² by Dr. Charles
D. Immanuel.
ABSTRACT:  Several particulate processes such as emulsion polymerization and
granulation are characterized by a distributed population, the control of
which constitutes a means of inferential control of product quality.  For
example, the control of particle size distribution of emulsion polymers
constitutes an inferential means to control the rheology and optical
properties of the polymers. The research challenges underlying distribution
control are the multi-scale nature of the processes and limitations in both
on-line measurements and manipulations. Optimal distribution control can be
achieved through use of population balance models that account for the
underlying particle rate processes including nucleation, growth, aggregation
and breakage.  It is seen in our studies that the multi-scale control
problem is facilitated indeed through an explicit consideration of the
hierarchical nature of the process mechanisms in the controller
formulations.  In this talk, issues and methodologies for model development,
numerical solution and controller formulation will be discussed, with
applications to polymerization and granulation processes.
BIO:  Dr. Immanuel is a lecturer in Chemical Engineering at Imperial College
London.  He has been in Imperial College since August 2003, after a PhD in
Chemical Engineering from the University of Delaware and a post-doctoral
tenure at the University of California Santa Barbara. He has a Masters in
Chemical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, and
Bachelors in Chemical Engineering from Anna University, India. His research
interests are in multi-dimensional and multi-scale population balance
models, model-based applied process control, and polymerization processes.
He is a committee member of the computer-aided process engineering division
of the Institute of Chemical Engineers in UK, and a voting member of the
working party on polymer reaction engineering of the European Federation of
Chemical Engineering.
3.6:  Thursday, April 24, 2008, 3:00, MRGN 121:  ³Exploiting Parametric
Effects in Resonant Micro/Nanosystems,² by Jeffrey F. Rhoads.
ABSTRACT:  Parametric excitations arise naturally in a variety of resonant
micro/nanosystems.  While these excitations can render a number of
beneficial system characteristics, including nearly-ideal stopband rejection
and a lowered dependence on damping, full utilization of their potential
requires that the resonant devices be highly tunable, in both a linear and
nonlinear manner.  This presentation will consider the modeling, analysis,
and experimental characterization of a representative nonlinear,
parametrically-excited, electrostatically-actuated microresonator.
Experimentally-verified tunings used to acquire desired nonlinear system
behaviors will be described and micro/nanoscale applications with distinct
promise, including frequency-selective switching and resonant mass sensing,
will be outlined.  Ongoing research related to micro- and nanomechanical
parametric amplifiers operating in both linear and nonlinear frequency
response regimes will also be briefly discussed.
BIO:  Jeffrey F. Rhoads is an Assistant Professor in the School of
Mechanical Engineering at Purdue University and is a member of the Birck
Nanotechnology Center and Ray W. Herrick Laboratories at the same
institution. He received his B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees, each in
mechanical engineering, from Michigan State University in 2002, 2004, and
2007, respectively. Dr. Rhoads' current research interests include the
modeling, analysis, predictive design, and characterization of resonant
micro/nanoelectro-mechanical systems (MEMS/NEMS) for use in chemical and
biological sensing, RF signal filtering, and inertial sensing systems, the
behavior of nonlinear, parametrically-excited systems and coupled
oscillators, and the behavior of mechanical and electromechanical parametric
amplifiers. Dr. Rhoads is a member of the American Society of Mechanical
Engineers (ASME) and the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE).
3.7:  Friday, April 25, 2008, 3:30 refreshments, 3:45 Seminar, ARMS 1010:
³High-aspect-ration Micromachining of Titaniun:  Enabling new functionality
and opportunity in micromechanical systems through greater materials
selection,² by Masa P. Rao.
ABSTRACT: Traditionally, materials selection has been limited in
high-aspect-ratio micromechanical applications, due primarily to the
predominance of microfabrication processes and infrastructure dedicated to
silicon. While silicon has proven to be an excellent material for many of
these applications, no one material can meet the needs of all applications.
This is especially evident in biomedical microdevice applications, where the
intrinsic brittleness of silicon limits its utility, thus illustrating the
need for development of viable alternatives. Titanium is particularly
promising in this regard, due to its toughness, biocompatibility, and
fatigue resistance. However, lack of sufficient fabrication capability has
limited its use in micromechanical systems thus far.
Recently, we reported the development of novel micromachining processes that
now enable realization of this promise. These processes, based on plasma
etching techniques derived from microelectronics manufacturing, provide for
the first time, the capability for fabrication of complex, micrometer-scale,
high-aspect-ratio structures in titanium. As such, these processes extend
the state of the art in titanium micromachining and do so in a manner that
is inherently scalable to low-cost/high-volume manufacturing. The focus of
this talk will be to detail these processes, their capabilities, and their
use in the fabrication of micromechanical devices for biomedical
BIO: Prof. Rao received his bachelors in Material Science and Engineering
from the University of Florida and his Ph.D. in Materials Engineering from
the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB). Following graduation, he
accepted a position as a post-doctoral researcher in the Mechanical
Engineering Department at UCSB, where he was involved in the initial
development of plasma-based micromachining of titanium. He joined the School
of Mechanical Engineering at Purdue University as an Assistant Professor in
January 2007. Prof. Rao¹s current research interests lie in the continued
development of titanium micromachining and its application towards
biomedical microdevices, as well as the development of other novel
microfabrication technologies for various applications. He has
authored/co-authored over 20 journal articles and conference proceedings,
and has presented lectures in fields ranging from ceramic composites for gas
turbine applications to MicroElectroMechanical Systems (MEMS) for
telecommunications and biomedical applications.

4.1:  The Nanomanufacturing Sciences area of the SRC Global Research
Collaboration is soliciting white papers in Environment, Safety & Health for
work to begin April 1, 2009 as a part of an ESH Research Center based at the
University of Arizona.  Four-page white papers addressing needs in a new
research needs document are due Thursday, May 15, 2008 by 3:00 p.m. ET.
This call for research, issued to universities worldwide, may be addressed
by individual investigators or by research teams.  Successful white paper
authors will be invited to submit a full proposal.  Contracts resulting from
this solicitation are anticipated to be three years in duration.  Interested
researchers should note the proposal and review schedule, needs document and
instructions for web-based white paper submissions on the SRC GRC Web site
at:  http://grc.src.org/fr/S200806_call.asp
4.2:  Summer internship for a graduate student (MS or PhD candidates) in
Bangalore, India:  An internship is available (all local expenses covered +
$3,500) to conduct research with the National Center for Biological
Sciences, India (http://www.ncbs.res.in/ <http://www.ncbs.res.in/> ). NCBS
is a sister institution of Tata Institutional of Fundamental Research,
Mumbai (http://www.tifr.res.in/).  Research activities are listed at
<http://www.ncbs.res.in/researchncbs/groups.htm> .  Please contact Pankaj
Sharma (sharma at purdue.edu) with your interest and be sure to include your
4.3:  The National Science Foundation has released a new solicitation for
the International Materials Institutes (IMI) program, which promotes
³fundamental materials research by coordinating international research and
education projects involving condensed matter and materials physics, solid
state and materials chemistry, polymers, metals, ceramics, electronic
materials, biomaterials and, in general, the design, synthesis, and
characterization of and phenomena in materials to meet global and regional
needs. The Institutes must be university-based and provide a research
environment that will attract leading scientists and engineers. The
Institutes' long term goal is the creation of a worldwide network in
materials research and the development of a generation of scientists and
engineers with enhanced international leadership capabilities.  A critically
important aspect of an IMI is its potential impact on advancing materials
research on an international scale and developing an internationally
competitive generation of materials researchers, and this distinguishes an
IMI from other materials research centers that NSF supports.² The request
for proposals is available at
<http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2008/nsf08558/nsf08558.htm> .  For this
competition, Purdue may submit one proposal.  Internal deadlines are as
follows:  Monday, May 12: Letters of Intent due to the OVPR; Monday, June 9:
Preproposals due to the OVPR; Thursday, June 12: Preproposal rankings due to
the OVPR; Agency deadline:  Tuesday, July 15.  Please note:  Letters of
intent, preproposals, and rankings to the OVPR should be e-mailed to
OVPRlimited at purdue.edu. Purdue's limited submission policy and template for
letters of intent may be found at
<http://dagon.admin.purdue.edu/cgi-bin/lsid.cgi> . Those submitting for the
Resources Center component should so indicate on the letter of intent.  For
any case in which the number of internal letters of intent received is no
more than the number of proposals allowed by the sponsor, the OVPR will
notify the PI that an internal preproposal will be unnecessary.
5.1:  Birck Nanotechnology Center¹s 2008 Annual Research Review presented
for their poster, "Rapid electrokinetic patterning of colloidal particles
with optical landscapes."  The award of $300 (plus a gross-up to cover
taxes) will be split equally among the authors of this winning poster.
5.2:  Congratulations go to VIKKI FAST on her new position with the Birck
Nanotechnology Business Office.  Vikki will be assuming the responsibilities
of Monthly Payroll and Account Management.  She will begin the transition
into her new position on Monday April 21st. She will continue to work on
tasks related to her current position until it has been filled.

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