[BNC-all] WEEKLY MEMO: Monday, 04.14.08

Deborah S. Starewich dstarewi at purdue.edu
Mon Apr 14 08:02:12 EDT 2008

WEEKLY MEMO, April 14, 2008
1. Announcements
1.1:  TODAY:  2nd Annual BNC Research Review, 1:00PM, MRGN 121. Program to
include Tim Sands, ³The Birck Nanotechnology Center ­ Progress,
Opportunities, and Challenges²; Evgenii Narimanov, ³Metamaterials for Future
Photonics²; Donald Bergstrom, ³Carbon Nanotubes as Nucleic Acid Carriers²;
Gerhard Klimeck, ³nanoHUB ­ Future Cyberinfrastructure Serving over 60,000
Users Today²; Jayathi Murthy, ³An Introduction to PRISM and MEMS
Simulation²; and David Janes on nanoelectronics.  A poster review and
session will also be included in this year¹s activities.  Visit
www.nano.purdue.edu <http://www.nano.purdue.edu> for the most up-to-date
information regarding this year¹s Annual Research Review. ******Participant
Reception****** 5:30, Birck Atrium, 2nd floor, Cleanroom entrance area:
1.2:  CARD READERS:  Work has begun on the installation of the BNC card
reader system.  This project will take several weeks and includes wiring
each BNC lab door for card-swipe entry.  Researchers at Birck can expect to
see electricians in their labs and in some cases may be asked to briefly
suspend experiments as ceiling tiles are removed and wiring is run through
the lab.  Some cutting and grinding can also be expected as the card readers
are mounted on each lab door.  Please remove unnecessary items from the
laboratories and galleys (empty boxes, trash, etc).  And let the
electricians know if there is an experiment in progress that precludes them
from working in the laboratory as scheduled.  This week (April 14th - 18th)
installation will continue on the 2nd Floor West Lab Wing (Rooms 22XX).
Work should focus on the galleys but may extend into BRK 2217, 2221, 2233,
2239, 2261, 2277, 2283.  If you have any issues or concerns please contract
Mary Jo Totten (61173) or Mark Voorhis (43036).
1.3:  LANDSCAPING:  Additional landscaping work will be taking place around
the BNC to repair several problems with the existing landscape.  These
should have a minimal affect on the building, but at times may have
sidewalks temporarily closed.  Additionally, there will be some noise- and
vibration-creating activities where concrete must be cut and removed.  This
work will take place between May 1 and June 19, 2008.  Major
vibration-creating activities are planned for mornings during the week of
May 5.  Please contact John Weaver jrweaver at purdue.edu if this timing is
2.1:  Friday, April 18, 8:00AM:  Rotary GSE team from Africa
3.1:  Monday, April 14, 3:00 refreshments, 3:15 seminar, ARMS 1010:
³Electromigration in Flip Chip Solder Joint Technology,² by King-Ning Tu,
Materials Science and Engineering, UCLA.
ABSTRACT: The demand of flip chip technology in high density packaging for
advanced electronic consumer products is growing rapidly.    Due to the
decrease in device size and increase in functionality, electromigration has
now become the most serious reliability problem in flip chip solder joints,
especially the Pb-free.   It has several unique features that are very
different from the electromigration in Al and Cu interconnects.  Solder
alloy has a very small critical product of electromigration, thus it can
fail at 103 A/cm2.  Owing to the line-to-bump geometry in flip chip, current
crowding occurs at the contact between the line and the bump and the failure
mode of electromigration is a pancake-type void formation at the cathode.
Again due to current crowding, whiskers can be squeezed out at the anode.
Joule heating due to Al or Cu interconnects can cause a very large
temperature gradient in the solder joint, so thermomigration accompanies
electromigration.  In this talk, these reliability issues of flip chip
solder joints will be presented.
BIO: King-Ning Tu received his B. Sc. Degree in Mechanical Engineering from
National Taiwan University in 1960, M. Sc. degree in Materials Science from
Brown University in 1964, and Ph. D. degree in Applied Physics from Harvard
University in 1968.  He spent 25 years at IBM T. J. Watson Research Center
as Research Staff Member in Physical Science Department. During that period,
he also served as Senior Manager of Thin Film Science Department and
Materials Science Department for 10 years.  In September 1993, he joined the
Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering at UCLA as full professor.  He
was chairman of the Department for six years from 1998 to 2004.  He is a
Fellow of American Physical Society, The Metallurgical Society (TMS), and an
Overseas Fellow of Churchill College, Cambridge University, UK.  He was
president of Materials Research Society in 1981. He received the Application
to Practice Award from TMS in 1988, the Distinguished Scientist Award from
the Electronic, Magnetic, and Photonic Materials Division of TMS in 2006,
and Humboldt Award for US Senior Scientists in 1996.  He has been elected a
member of Academia Sinica, Republic of China in 2002.  He has over 400
journal publications with citations over 10000 and h-factor of 58.  He
co-authored a textbook on ³Electronic thin Film Science,² published by
Macmillan in 1992, and authored a book on ³Solder joint technology²
published by Springer in July 2007.  His research interests are in
metal-silicon reactions, solder reactions, nanoscale reactions, polarity
effect of electromigration on interfacial reactions, and kinetic theories of
interfacial reactions. His website is http://www.seas.ucla.edu/eThinFilm/
3.2:  Monday, April 14, 2008, 5:30PM, Beering 2280:  ³The Role of Interior
Designers in Healthcare,² by Ana Maregatti
3.3:  Wednesday, April 16, 6:00PM, PIZZA AND BEVERAGES served; MRGN 121:
³Ethical Issues in Contructing and Usng Biobanks,² by Eric M. Meslin, PhD;
Director of the Indiana University Center for Bioethics; Professor of
Medicine, and of Medical and Molecular Genetics; Indiana University of
Medicine; Professor of Philosophy, School of Liberal Arts; Associate Dean,
Bioethics, Indiana University School of Medicine
3.4:  Thursday, April 17, 10:00AM, BRK 1001:  ³Magnetic and Semiconductor
Nanostructures for Ultra High Density Magnetic Recording,² by Ernesto E.
ABSTRACT: Magnetic recording aims to achieve recording densities of „ 1012
bits/in2 in the foreseeable future. Critical dimensions of the magnetic
domains and the sensors required to detect their flux at this density will
be of the order of 15nm or less. These nanoscale dimensions present major
materials and fabrication challenges to both the magnetic materials utilized
for storing the bits, and to the sensor devices.  This talk will review
ongoing efforts to achieve highly uniform nanostructured magnetic recording
materials comprising magnetic grains (islands) of ¾ 5 nm in diameter,
segregated by a secondary non-magnetic phase.  Mesoscopic sensors based on
GMR and TMR based ferromagnetic materials are expected to be inadequate for
sensing magnetic domains ¾ 15 nm on account of  thermal instabilities (mag
noise) and spin-torque effects. Therefore, magnetic sensor devices employing
non-ferromagnetic materials are needed. Nanoscopic semiconductor quantum
well heterostructures offer a potential solution and I will describe our
ongoing research in this area.
BIO: Ernesto Marinero received his BSc and PhD degrees in Physics from
Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, United Kingdom. His research experience
has been gained through various appointments in Europe and the USA.  This
includes basic and applied research at the Max Planck Institute in
Goettingen, Germany; Stanford University and the IBM and Hitachi Research
Centers in San Jose California.  His technical expertise includes Materials
Science, Semiconductor Physics, Growth of Nanostructured Materials and Thin
Films, Laser Physics and Picosecond Phenomena, Laser-Materials Processing,
Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy, Hydrogen Quantum Chemistry,
Optoelectronics, Characterization and Metrology, Thin Film Corrosion and
Reliability, Magnetic Materials and Magnetic Recording Technology,
Phase-Change Storage and Nanoscale Sensor Device Physics and Fabrication.
His work has been widely published in the scientific literature and utilized
in IBM's and Hitachi¹s technology products. His original research is the
subject of numerous US, Asian and European patents.  Marinero is currently
at the Hitachi San Jose Research Center and his research focuses on two key
areas: 1) synthesis of new nanostructured magnetic materials that and 2)
research on electron transport of mesoscopic devices based on semiconductor
2DEG heterostructures with particular emphasis on ballistic transport and
quantum transport.  He is actively involved in collaborative research
programs with academic institutions in the USA, Mexico and the UK through
joint research programs in nanoscience and nanotechnology.
3.5:  Friday, April 18, 3:00 refreshments, PHYS 242; 3:30 seminar, PHYS 223:
Condensed Matter and Biological Physics Seminar, ³In Search of the Perfect
Semiconductor Photon Detector,² Peter Yu, University of California, Berkeley
ASBSTRACT:  Photon detectors have many important applications, such as
inheat sensing, digital cameras, solar cells and x-ray and gamma-ray
detection. So far, the most common detectors are based on elemental
semiconductors, such as Si and Ge. However, they are by no means perfect in
tackling some of the important problems facing the modern society. For
example, thin films solar cells are not yet as economical as coal/gas fired
power generators. For homeland security applications, high energy radiation
detectors are too bulky and require cryogenic cooling. In this talk I shall
describe a joint effort between theorists and experimentalists at Berkeley
to look for new semiconductor detectors with better performance than
existing detectors. On the experimental side, combinatorial techniques are
utilized to allow for fast growth and characterization of a large library of
new semiconductors synthesized by laser ablation. On the theory front,
computational techniques are developed to allow for the prediction ofall the
properties of semiconductors relevant to photon detection. By ³all², we mean
electronic, optical, vibrational, transport, magnetic anddefect properties.
While this ambitious project is still in progress, Ishall describe some new
and interesting results we have found in the well-studied zincblende- and
wurtzite-type semiconductors. We have obtained new insights into the effects
of transition and rare-earth metal dopants, such as Cu and Gd, on the
transport and magnetic properties of the host semiconductor.
3.6:  Friday, April 18, 2008, 3:30PM, EE117:  ³Multiphysics Modeling of
Molecules and Materials,² by Hans Agren, Theoretical Chemistry, Royal
Institute of Technology, Stockhololm Sweden
ABSTRACT: With ³multiphysics modeling² we combine methods that have
different physical content in order to obtain a more complete view of an
applied problem. In materials science this can involve methods that bridge
length and time scales; in length from atomistic to macroscopic levels
through "electrons, atoms, grains and grids"; in time from femtosecond
electron dynamics to slow processes perceived by humans. The combination can
be obtained in terms of integrated algorithms or simply by piping datasets
from one model to the other. Quantum mechanics is central in many such
combinations as the microscopic light-matter interaction requires a quantum
description. In the first part of my talk I will therefore describe some
development in the quantum description of properties, in particular
so-called response theory. Its implementation in the context of density
functional theory, see e.g. [1], that is time-depdendent density functional
theory (TDDFT), has been very successful in recent years in calculations of
molecular properties also of quite large systems. Such applications cover a
large wavelength region, from the X-ray region, over the optical and
infrared regions and to the microwave and radiofrequency regions where
electron and nuclear magnetic resonance experiments are carried out. In the
final part of my talk I will bring up some contemporary research problems
where the multiphysics concept has been applied, like; design of materials
for optical control, where the combination of quantum mechanics (QM) and
classical electrodynamics is applied [1]; the design of electro-optical
switching materials through combination of QM and classical dynamics (QM and
MD) [2]; studies of multiphoton induced light emission in quantum dots with
QM coupled to statistical mechanics [3]; solvent effects on non-linear
effects with polarizable continuum models [4], i.e. combining QM with
dielectric theory. ([1] Density-functional theory of linear and nonlinear
time-dependent molecular properties, P. Salek, O. Vahtras, T. Helgaker, and
H. Ågren, J. Chem. Phys. 117, 9630 (2002). [2] A quantum mechanical -
electrodynamical approach to nonlinear properties: A. Baev, P. Welinder, R.
Erlandsson, J. Henriksson, P. Norman and H. Ågren, J. of Nonlinear Optical
Physics & Materials, 16, 157 (2007). [3] Electric field poled nonlinear
optical systems, Y. Tu, Q. Zhang, and H. Ågren J. Phys. Chem. B 111, 3591
(2007). [4] Dynamics of multiple-photon optical processes in semiconductor
quantum , Y. Fu, T.-T. Han, Y. Luo, and H. Ågren, J. Phys. Condens. Matter,
18, 9071 (2006). [5] Solvation of azide at the water surface: the
Polarizable Continuum Model approach, L. Bondesson, L. Frediani, H. Ågren,
and B. Mennucci, J. Phys. Chem., 110, 11361 (2006).)  For further
information, please contact Prof. Kevin Webb, School of Electrical and
Computer Engineering: 494-3373; webb at purdue.edu <mailto:webb at purdue.edu>
3.7:  Friday, April 11, 2008, 3:30PM, BRK 2001:  ³Linear and Nonlinear
Optical Devices Based on Slow Light Propagation: Figures of Merit,² by Jacob
Khurgin, Deparment of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Johns Hopkins
ABSTRACT: Performance of optical delay lines and nonlinear devices based on
slow wave propagation in photonic crystal waveguides in the presence of
higher order dispersion is analyzed and compared with other slow light
schemes, such as coupled resonators, media with electromagnetically-induced
transparence, surface plasmons, and optical amplifiers. It is shown that
higher order dispersion of gain and index severely limits the bit rate of
the system. Novel methods for increasing the bit rate are proposed and
analyzed.  These methods range from mundane dispersion-compensation schemes
to the most elaborate methods using adiabatic changes and various parametric
processes.  The conclusion is that the slow light is definitely anything but
a ³silver bullet² for most purported applications, there still might be a
practical niche for it.
BIO:  Jacob B. Khurgin received MS in Optical Engineering from the Institute
of Fine Mechanics and Optics, St. Petersburg, Russia in 1979.  Upon promptly
leaving that land in 1980, he joined the Philips Laboratories of NV Philips
in Briarcliff Manor, NY where he worked with a variable degree of success on
miniature solid-state lasers, II-VI semi-conductor lasers pumped with
E-beam, various display components, and coffee makers that do not explode.
Simultaneously, he was pursuing his graduate studies at Polytechnic
Institute of NY, where he had received his PhD in Electro-physics in January
1987.  In January 1988, Dr. Khurgin joined the ECE department of Johns
Hopkins University where he is currently a Professor.  His research
interests include physics of semi-conductor nanostructures, quantum devices,
semi-conductor lasers and amplifiers, nonlinear optics, optical
communications, microwave photonics, ultra-fast opto- electronics, and
others.  He has authored in excess of 170 publications in technical journals
and a few book chapters.  Prof. Khurgin is an OSA Fellow.
4.1:  Funding Opportunity with UK Partners:  Research Councils UK (RCUK) has
opened the application period for its Science Bridges Awards.  Detailed
information can be found at:
<http://www.rcuk.ac.uk/international/sciencebridges.htm> .  This program
provides funding to help research institutions or consortia in the US and UK
to link together to accelerate the time from research to commercial
development.  US-UK ties must already exist, and will be strengthened
through the program. Outline proposals are due May 15, 2008.
4.2:  Energy Frontiers Research Centers:  Limited Submission Announcement
The US Department of Energy Basic Energy Sciences group has announced the
Energy Frontiers Research Centers (EFRC) competition to which Purdue can
submit three proposals as a lead organization.  In addition, we can
participate in an organized manner and at the individual faculty level in as
many proposals from other institutions including US DOE Government
Laboratories as appropriate.
e/EFRC_FOA_Final_Dated_April42008_FINAL.pdf> .  There are 13 reports at the
following web site for those interested learning more about the program
http://www.sc.doe.gov/bes/EFRC.html <http://www.sc.doe.gov/bes/EFRC.html> .
We hope that all groups interested in this program can participate in one or
more proposals led by Purdue or another organization, such as a US DOE
funded laboratory.  Campus wide groups in the general areas of Bio Fuels
(Point of Contact: Sonny Ramaswamy sonny at purdue.edu), Thermal and Solar to
Electric (Point of Contact: David Janes janes at ecn.purdue.edu), Advanced
Nuclear Energy (Point of Contact: Ahmed Hassanein, hassanein at purdue.edu),
and others are already in a self-assembly process.  The Energy Center is
helping to facilitate responses to this funding opportunity and can be
contacted for additional information (contact Ron Steuterman
steuterm at purdue.edu).  The purpose of this message is to make you aware of
this opportunity, and to alert you to the limited submissions process.  As
with any limited submissions competition, the university will use a standard
process to help encourage groups to work together and to select those
proposals that can go forward as one of the three Purdue-led submissions
ril2006ver3.doc> ). For this solicitation we are not requesting initial
letters of intent; however preproposals are due by Friday, April 25th.
Preproposals should conform to the template given at
<http://dagon.admin.purdue.edu/cgi-bin/lsid.cgi>  for the DoE EFRC
competitionŠ.and should make clear the objective of the proposal (the
breakthrough expected in a brief but convincing manner) and should clearly
address the key criteria in the DoE¹s Funding Opportunity Announcement.
Preproposals should also include information on the leadership team (up to 6
names), US DOE laboratory contacts (laboratory name and point of contact
information - we will not contact this person or laboratory using the
information you provide), corporate leveraging anticipated, and any internal
leveraging anticipated.  We will try to involve as many groups as possible
in submission of proposals under either Purdue or government laboratory
leadership, or in proposals led by other universities.  The information in
the pre-proposals will help in the identification of strong partners and
will also be used by the limited submissions review committee in the
determination of the three proposals that will be submitted with Purdue as
the lead organization.  To submit a preproposal, to download the
pre-proposal template, and for additional information please visit Purdue¹s
limited submissions web site at
<http://dagon.admin.purdue.edu/cgi-bin/lsid.cgi> .
4.3:  The International Association of Nanotechnology is now accepting
abstracts to be presented at the upcoming 5th International Congress of
Nano-Bio & Clean Tech 2008. The conference will gather world class
researchers, business executives and engineers from over 30 countries and
cover the following topics:  Nanomaterials, Nanoparticles, Nanodevices,
Nanoelectronics, Nanofabrication, MEMS & NEMS, Nanobiotechnology, Nano scale
characterization, Standards & Nomenclature, Nano Tools, Molecular
Engineering, Nano Manufacturing, Nanoparticles Toxicology, Heath Safety
Implications, Renewable Energy, Biofuels, Photovoltaic, Hydrogen, Electric
Car, Sustainable Energy Public Policy, Direct Thermal Energy Conversion,
Electrochemical Conversion and Storage, Nanostructured Solar Cell
Manufacturing, Intellectual Property, Commercialization, Venture capital
investment, and other related topics:  Intellectual Property and Technology
Transfer, Education & Workforce Training, Societal & Environmental Impacts,
Capital Funding and Grants for Start-up Ventures.  Featured Session:
Emerging Tech Investment Forum.  This session will provide a unique
opportunity for start-up companies to present their products, services, and
business models to an audience of venture capitalists and private investors.
Location:  San Francisco Airport Marriott; 1800 Old Bayshore Highway;
Burlingame, California 94010 USA.  Date:  October 27-30, 2008. Deadline for
Abstract submission: June 30, 2008.  For more information, please visit
5.1:  Center for Advance Manufacturing:  TeamCenter Community Training, on
behalf of Richard Couch, Director of Engagement, CAM: First and foremost, I
would like to thank all of you for your support of the PACE program and of
TeamCenter Community as a truly great collaborative tool. The broad base of
users of this program here at Purdue has made us one of the largest and most
diverse groups in academia.
         As this program has grown, we are constantly asked to provide
TeamCenter Community training and have scheduled an upcoming session to
address these needs. Mr. Buzz Ludlum from Siemens PLM Software will be here
on campus to conduct a 4 hour class on April 22nd from 8:00 am - 12:00 noon.
This session is open to both faculty and students.
     If you would like to attend, please RSVP (your students as well) to
either myself or Ms. Leza Dellinger no later that April 15th. Once we have
determined the number of participants, we will arrange for a computer lab
and advise everyone of the location. 

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