[BNC-all] MONDAY MEMO, September 17, 2007

Deborah Starewich dstarewi at exchange.purdue.edu
Mon Sep 17 11:23:59 EDT 2007

MONDAY MEMO, September 17, 2007
1. Announcements
1.1:  TEACHING opportunity . . . Fall Super Saturday Program runs for six
Saturdays from 6 October to 17 November (there is no class on the Nov. 10);
classes run 9AM to 12 Noon.  A nanotechnology class for 7th and 8th graders
is being offered: ³Imagine a computer chip the size of the head of a pin.
Now imagine one even smaller!  Learn about new advances in technology and
how the smallest item can be the most powerful.  Explore the world of tiny
technology, and what those microscopic tools could do for us in the future.²
Pay is $435 ($500 w/Masters degree).  This would be a very rewarding
experience.  Please contact Stacey Folyer, Gifted Education Resource
Institute, 47243; sfolyer at purdue.edu.
1.2:  GRAD STUDENTS:  Elections for the NSAC Executive Committee will be
held on Tuesday, September 18, at 2:00PM in BRK 2001.  ALL ARE WELCOME!!
Please attend whether you decide to run for an office or not. There are many
spots on the council that need to be filled.  SNACKS will be provided.
Contact Bridget Hines, NSAC President, with any questions or concerns
(bdolash at purdue.edu).
1.3:  MANN Hall Facilities Use: Here is the most recent link for the
documents for the use of Mann Hall Facilities and conference room 203.
Updates will be made on this site, so you may not want to print this out,
but rather just refer to this link:
2. Seminars
2.1:  Monday, September 17, 2:30pm; ³Simulating with PETE: Purdue
Exploratory Technology Evaluator,² Arijit Raychowdhury, ECE, Purdue
University; EE 317.
ABSTRACT: Using PETE one can evaluate any MOSFET like devices or any New
Devices in terms of performance on Benchmark circuits. The input to the tool
can be in terms of typical MOSFET parameters or in terms of I-V and C-V
tables. The Benchmark circuits include minimum sized inverter, nand chain,
norchain, 8-bit Full Adder, Ring Oscillator and Cascaded inverters driving a
big load capacitance. Further, one can perform DC simulations on inverters
and obtain voltage transfer characteristics (VTCs) and noise margin/ gain
from the VTC. In this tutorial we will discuss how to use PETE for
evaluating exploratory nano devices. We will further discuss the algorithms
used, the interface and some caveats while using the tool.
BIO: Arijit Raychowdhury received his B.E. degree in 2001 in Electronics and
Telecommunication engineering from Jadavpur University, Calcutta, India.
Since 2002, he has been pursuing Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer
engineering at Purdue University, IN. He has worked as an Analog Circuit
Designer with Texas Instruments Inc., India (2002 to 2003) and with the
Circuit Research Labs, Intel Corporation (summer of 2005 and 2006) pursuing
design ideas with novel nano- devices. His research interests include
device/circuit design for scaled silicon and non-silicon technologies. Mr.
Raychowdhury has received academic excellence awards in 1997, 2000, and
2001, the Meissner Fellowship from Purdue University in 2002, the NASA INAC
Fellowship in 2003 and the Intel PhD Fellowship Award in 2005. He has
received Best Paper Awards at IEEE NANO 2003 and ISLPED, 2006. He holds six
patents and has published over thirty articles in journals and refereed
2.2:  Tuesday, September 18, 3:30, ³Nanodevices and Maxwell¹s Demon,² by
Supriyo Datta, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue University,
Forney Hall G140.
2.3:  Regenstrief Center for Healthcare Engineering, Tuesday, September 18,
7:30-4:00pm; ³Transforming Healthcare Delivery²; STEW 218. Register at
www.purdue.edu/rche/fall2007 <http://www.purdue.edu/rche/fall2007> .
Network with colleagues and students in exploring Purdue¹s multidisciplinary
advances in some of the most challenging health issues of our time.
2.4:  Thursday, September 19, 10:00:  ³Cryptomics: Identificaation of Novel
bioactive Peptides from Intact Proteins,² Prof. Ian Smith, Executive
Director Comercialization and Industry Engagement and Associate Dean
Biotechnology, Monash University, MRGN 121.
2.5:  Friday, September 21, 3:30 refreshments; 3:45 seminar: ³Texture
Engineering of Electronic Ceramics,² Toshihiko Tani, Principal Research
Scientist & Manager, Inorganic Materials Lab, Toyota Central R&D
Laboratories, Professor, Toyota Technological Institute, Tokyo Japan; MSEE
ABSTRACT:  Properties of industrially useful substances are often
anisotropic and performances of materials are dependent on the
microstructure of the materials and the direction of external field.
Although bulk single crystals generally give the best performance of a
substance, they also have disadvantages in production cost, mechanical
toughness, and compositional design freedom. Other approaches to extract the
intrinsic properties of a substance are fabrication of textured ceramics.
Texture engineering of ceramics has collected attentions especially in
piezoelectrics, ferroelectrics, pyroelectrics, as well as electronic and
ionic conductors. Exploiting self-texture is a unique way to fabricate
textured thin films without using single crystal substrates. Templated grain
growth using reactive or non-reactive seeds are effective method to
fabricated highly textured bulk ceramics through powder processing. This
method is especially useful to enhance properties of electronic materials
with compositional restriction in terms of environmental compatibility.
Examples are shown for lead-free piezoelectric ceramics and oxide
thermoelectric ceramics textured by the reactive-templated grain growth
processing. In situ conversion reactions of template particles were
investigated by TEM and high-temperature XRD. Developed texture was examined
by pole-figure XRD and EBSP. Introduction of Toyota CRDL and activities in
materials research is also made prior to starting the main topic.
BIO: Toshihiko Tani received his B.S. in Metallurgy from University of Tokyo
in 1980, his M.S. in Metallurgy from University of Tokyo in 1982 and a M.S.
in Ceramic Science from University of Illinois in 1993, and his Ph.D. in
Materials Science and Engineering from University of Illinois in 1994.  Dr.
Tani¹s research interests are in synthesis and processing of functional
ceramics; texture engineering of electronic ceramics; and single crystal
growth of wide bank gap semiconductors.  He has received the following
honors:  2002 Japanese Society of Powder Metallurgy, Award for Innovatory
Research; 2004 The American Ceramic Society, Corporate Environmental
Achievement Award, and 2005 Ceramic Society of Japan, Award for Academic
3. Birck Visitors
3.1:  Wednesday, September 19, TBA (between 9:00 and 10:30): Dr. Bill Rouse,
Executive Director, Tennenbaum Institute, Georgia Institute of Technology;
Professor, College of Computing and School of Industrial and Systems
3.2:  Wednesday, September 19, 11:10: Doris Sprong and Alumni
3.3:  Friday, September 21, 3:25:  Purdue Calumet Faculty
3.4:  *****Sunday, September 23, 4:30-6:00:  Big 10+ Grad Expo
Your PARTICIPATION is needed J  Our Engagement group, lead by Candiss
Vibbert, is working on the final details that include ~100 people.  We have
one faculty member who has volunteered to be here but we need more.  Please
contact Deborah Starewich if you/your students are available.
4.  Items of Interest
4.1:  Business Competition: Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) is hosting
a business competition, ³Global Venture Challenge,² April 2­4, 2008, at
ORNL.  An associated website, <http://www.globalventurechallenge.com/>, will
be launched at the end of the month. The competition will once again use the
Idea to Product competition format, but the focus will be on energy
applications (i.e., New types of fuels; Nuclear energy; Fuel processing or
production improvements; Materials innovations, e.g., new nanocatalyst for
fuel cells, lighter materials; Sensors for monitoring systems; Power
supplies; Lighting innovations; Building products designed to increase
energy savings; Energy control and reporting systems; Energy generation
sources, e.g., photovoltaics, fuel cells, water, wind, gas turbines; Energy
efficiency improvements or conservation technology, including recycling
breakthroughs; Distributed energy load balancing, hardware, software, and
services; Emission controls; Energy storage; Energy transmission; Energy
distribution; Energy services).
         Students will have an expanded program where they learn more about
ORNL and spend time with key people in their particular areas of research
and business.  They will have more time to interact with attending venture
capitalists and entrepreneurs.  Leaders t key energy companies will be
invited judges at the competition, so students will be able to network with
potential employers in the energy industry.
         Tara Marlow, with Tech 2020, will be on point for the overall
program (marlow at tech2020.org)
4.2:  International Association of Nanotechnology (IANANO:
http://www.ianano.org <http://www.ianano.org>
070E434B464A430E434B404442430E400E404645424A4B0E08.aspx >  >) would like to
invite you to participate in our upcoming events highlighting the emerging
fields of nanotechnology, biotechnology and clean technology; upcoming 2007
events are as follows:
The Nano Bio Clean Tech Forum ­ a monthly networking meeting for local
business executives, entrepreneurs, scientist, engineers, and all
professionals interested in the emerging fields of Nanotechnology,
biotechnology and clean technology.  Invited speakers and a panel of experts
will highlight some important topics and issues facing the new industry,
such as research and development, intellectual property, joint venture,
environmental impacts, regulations, and venture capital investment.  Dates:
2nd Tuesday of each month (October 9, November 13, December 11, 2007);
5:30­8PM; Location: 1290 Parkmoor Ave, San Jose, CA 95126.  For more
information, please visit: http://www.ianano.org/Nanobiocleantech.htm
070E434B464A430E434B404442430E400E4B4B4047434B0E08.aspx >  >
Professional Development Workforce Training Programs in Nanotechnology ‹
Training participants will gain state-of-the-art knowledge from world-class
instructors and experts from the industry and academia, while creating a new
network of peers and supportive contacts to tackle your next major projects
of either new product development through applications of nanotechnology, or
expanding your market share worldwide. Two courses are available:  ³Business
Re-Engineering²:  a 2-day intensive workshop to equip senior executives and
business managers to bring your product development into the next level with
nanotechnology applications, while improving productivity and strengthening
your market share in today¹s global marketplace; and ³Train the Trainers²: a
3-day intensive workshop for technical managers and science instructors to
up-skill their expertise in Nanoscience to become trainers or instructors in
the new field of advanced manufacturing. Training session dates: September
12 -14, October 17-19, November 5-7, December 5-7, 2007; Location: 1290
Parkmoor Ave. San Jose, CA. For more information, please visit:
http://www.cinano.com <http://www.cinano.com>
070E434B464A430E434B404442430E400E45404B4743460E08.aspx >  >
4th International Congress of Nanotechnology (ICNT) and 1st Clean Tech World
Congress: The two conferences will gather world-class nanotechnologists,
researchers and corporate executives in the emerging fields of
nanotechnology, biotechnology and clean technology. Conference dates:
November 5­8; Location: San Francisco, CA.
4.3:  Asian Initiative Announces Two Grant Opportunities for Fall 2007:
Purdue¹s Asian Initiative, together with the Office of International
Programs, announces two grant opportunities for Purdue faculty collaborating
with partners in India and China.  Both grant programs are designed to
foster and develop ties between Purdue and its Asian counterparts in the
areas of: research collaboration; international student recruitment; study
abroad opportunities; alumni relations; and development.  Below is a brief
description of each grant, preceded by a link to the corresponding RFP.
         Asian Initiative Research (AIR) grants
<http://www.ippu.purdue.edu/resource/AIR2007-08RFP.pdf >  >  are designed to
support faculty in the development of research collaborations with strategic
partners in India and China.  Grants will be in the range of $5000 - $10,000
to support activities that produce early, tangible results with the
potential to attract significant outside funding and support.
     Visiting Indian and Chinese Scholars (VICS) grants
<http://www.ippu.purdue.edu/resource/RFPVisitingIndianChineseScholars.pdf >
> were created to bring to the West Lafayette campus high-caliber scholars
from strategic institutions in China and India for a period of up to one
semester.  The goal of this program is to stimulate substantive, world-class
research collaboration between Purdue and Chinese and Indian institutions,
and to strengthen faculty and student exchange with these institutions.
     If you have difficulty using the above web links, copies of the RFPs
for these programs can be found via Purdue's Office of International
Programs: http://www.ippu.purdue.edu/aid/ <http://www.ippu.purdue.edu/aid/>
.  Hard copies of the RFPs will also be distributed to all West Lafayette
faculty through campus mail.
     For additional questions about these programs, or to schedule a meeting
to discuss proposal ideas prior to submission, please contact Matthew
Sikora, Asian Initiative Coordinator; Office of International Programs;
47552; mvsikora at purdue.edu; http://www.ippu.purdue.edu/AsianInitiative/
5.  Life on the Outside
5.1:  Congrats to Vicki Johnson on her newest granddaughter: Melanie Lynn
Johnson-Arenas, born 09.11.07: 7 lbs. 10 oz and 20² long J
5.2:  Come One Come All: MOVING SALE: Southside Lafayette (Valley Forge
addition), 4022 John Adams, Lafayette IN 47909.  Friday and Saturday, 09.21
and 09.22, 7am to Noon.

Deborah S. Starewich
Administrative Assistant to Timothy D. Sands, Director
Birck Nanotechnology Center
Purdue University

dstarewi at ecn.purdue.edu


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