[BNC-all] BRK LAB UPDATE: Cleanroom & Labs Open 06/28/2007

Jennifer Monahan-Dian monahan at purdue.edu
Thu Jun 28 18:41:04 EDT 2007

We have received word for Purdue Physical Facilities that the
University’s steam and process cooling water has stabilized. As a
result, the facilities at the Birck Nanotechnology Center have been

Please be aware that temperature and humidity levels in the cleanroom
rose slightly during this process and may take a few hours to return to
normal levels. Similarly, sensitive equipment which is dependent on
chilled water should not be activated without appropriate authorization
(e.g. VB6 = Prof Qi, Titan = Prof Stack, SEMs = Dr Zakharov, etc).

Otherwise, the cleanroom is now open and chemical processing in hoods
can be performed. If you are interested in running on equipment this
evening, just check the “equipment status” on CORAL as usual.

Thanks for your patience during this unforeseen shut-down.
-- Jennifer Monahan & the BNC Staff

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