[BNC-all] Monday Memo: July 9, 2007

Deborah Starewich dstarewi at exchange.purdue.edu
Mon Jul 9 10:15:09 EDT 2007

MONDAY MEMO, July 9, 2007
1. Seminar
1.1:  Tuesday, July 10, 3:00PM, BRK 1001: ³Self-Assembly for Massive
Production of Nanotube/Nanowire-based Devices,² by Prof. Seunghun Hong,
Department of Physics, Seoul National University, Korea
Although nanotube (NT)/nanowire (NW)-based devices are drawing attention as
next-generation device architectures, a lack of mass-production methods for
such devices have been holding back their practical applications. In this
talk, a massive integration strategy of NT/NW-based devices will be
presented, where surface molecular patterns guide the selective assembly and
alignment of various NTs/NWs (e.g., carbon NT, vanadium oxide NWs, etc) on
virtually general substrates (e.g., Au, silicon oxide, Si, Al, etc).
Interestingly, NT/NW adsorbed on solid substrates exhibit ³2-dimensional
sliding motions² on the substrates to form pre-designed device structures.
This strategy is named here as ³surface-programmed assembly² in the sense
that the entire assembly process can be programmed by surface molecular
patterns. This process is utilized for wafer-scale fabrication of
NT/NW-based devices such as high-performance transistors and bio-sensors.
Importantly, since the entire processing steps can be done using only
conventional microfabrication facilities without any high-temperature
processes, the strategy is readily accessible for the conventional device
industry and may open up a new NT/NW-silicon hybrid device industry in the
2. Tours of Birck
2.1:  Monday, July 9, 9:00-9:45; Dr. Michael Manfra, prospective faculty
candidate, physics; tour led by Dave Lubelski
2.2:  Monday, July 9, 2:00-4:00; NCLT Professional Development Workshop; 2
tour groups led by Jennifer Monahan and John Coy with presentation given by
George Adams
2.3:  Tuesday, July 10, 1:30; Prof. Sunghun Hong, Seoul National University,
Korea; led by Ron Reifenberger
2.3: Thursday, July 12, 10:00-11:45; Pre-Freshman and Cooperative Education
(PREFACE); Discovery Park overview by George Adams (MRGN 121), 2 groups led
by Kathy Beaver (BIND) and student reps (BRK)
2.4: Thursday, July 12, 1:00-1:30; NCN visitors (SYNOPSYS)
2.5: Thursday, July 12, 3:45-5:00; Engineering High School Summer Camp;
cleanroom focus led by student reps
2.6: Friday, July 13, 9:30-10:30; TAGS (Girl Scout) Summer Camp; 2 groups;
Group A atrium exhibit explanation and Group B tour BRK with student reps
2.7: Friday, July 13, 1:30-2:00; Stanley Co. visiting Vlad Shalaev; tour BRK
with George Adams 
3. BRK tips
3.1:  Delays in receiving orders?
a) please know how important it is to use the correct account numbers when
making requisitions; your professor or the PI for the project will have the
correct numbers to use.  The secretarial staff does not have access to this
information ‹ they play only a small part in the huge process of receiving
goods into the university.
b) use vendors that have previously been used; when a new vendor to Purdue¹s
ordering system is used, at least a week¹s delay occurs in the creation of a
purchase order that is then sent to the vendor.
c) place your own orders: check with your home departments to see if you
have been granted access to the purchasing system; see Vikki Fast in the
Birck Business office should you have questions regarding the procedures to
use the new purchasing system.
3.2: Business Travel?
a)  Be sure to complete a Form 17 BEFORE you travel.  Form 17s are used for
two main purposes: INSURANCE coverage during your business trip (without
this, you may not be covered if injured during your business trip) and
ESTIMATE of expenses that will be applied to the account being used.
b)  Keep ALL your receipts and submit a Form 25 PROMPTLY upon your return.
c)  If you need assistance, please contact a member of the secretarial

Deborah S. Starewich
Administrative Assistant to Timothy D. Sands, Director
Birck Nanotechnology Center
Purdue University

dstarewi at ecn.purdue.edu


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