[BNC-all] MSE SEMINAR ANNOUNCEMENT: Friday, Feb. 2, 3:30, MSEE B12; Dr. Maria Varela, Oak Ridge National Lab

Starewich, Deborah S. dstarewi at purdue.edu
Tue Jan 30 08:41:54 EST 2007

> Please see attached seminar announcement for Dr. Maria Varela, Oak  
> Ridge Nat'l Lab, Friday, 2/2, MSEE B12, 3:30.  Also please post and/ 
> or email to your grad students and faculty.  Thanks!!
> Kathy Moore
> -----------------------------------------------
> Laura K.(Kathy) Moore, Faculty Assistant
> Purdue University, School of Materials Engineering
> 501 Northwestern Avenue - MSEE 150
> West Lafayette, IN  47907-2044
> (765)494-4100
> (765)494-1204 (FAX)

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