[BNC-all] Conversion to OnePurdue program

Brown, Stacy L. slb at purdue.edu
Sun Jan 14 12:49:14 EST 2007

As many of you are aware, Purdue is converting to a new software program
as of February 1.  With this conversion the Ariba program will go away.
All of you should receive notification from OnePurdue about the
necessary training that will need to be taken for the new purchasing
mechanism (SRM), the training will be ready the middle to end of
January.  As of January 26th any orders that require approvals from
Purchasing need to be in Ariba.  After the 26th we will not be placing
any additional orders using Ariba.  Please be sure that you prepare for
this transisition and place orders for any items that you will need
during this tranisition time before January 26th.  We will still be able
to place orders via credit card during this time.  Please be sure to let
me know if you have any questions.
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