John Weaver jrweaver at ecn.purdue.edu
Fri Jan 12 15:35:07 EST 2007

THE SIDEWALKS ARE OPEN around the Birck Nanotechnology Center.  Because of
the lateness of the day, the contractor is opening fence panels to allow
access to the sidewalks, and will return Monday to take down the fencing
that will be removed at this time.  Most of the fence will remain in place,
but all locations where there is sidewalk access the fencing will be


As stated previously, the contractor will return in the Spring to complete
the landscaping work.


To keep our building clean - and for your own safety - please stay on the




John Weaver


John R. Weaver

Facility Manager

Birck Nanotechnology Center

Purdue University

(765) 494-5494

jrweaver at purdue.edu


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