[BNC-all] NIH Grants.gov workshops

Brown, Stacy L. slb at purdue.edu
Mon Jan 8 13:17:16 EST 2007

Now that 2007 is here and the February 5th NIH deadline is approaching,
we want to remind you of the following opportunity.  If you are unable
to attend the workshops, you may also set up a time to meet one-on-one
with a Pre-Award Manager.  

NIH Grants.gov Proposal Submission Workshops

 Have you ever wondered if there is something you can do to increase the
chances of your proposal being accepted on the first submission?

Sponsored Programs Pre-Award Services can help!

We are offering many opportunities for assistance with the upcoming
February 5th NIH Grants.gov deadline.   

These workshops will cover:

Getting started with Grants.gov
    Software needs
    Commons Login
Form - by - form instructions
    Step - by - step for each section
    Appropriate forms for your type of submission What happens after
    Grants.gov Validation
    Commons Validation
    Examples of common errors from past submission experience

Please RSVP to Jeff Buchanan (jbuchanan at purdue.edu) and let him know
which specific workshop you wish to attend. See options listed below:

January 15       STEW 202      2:00-5:00 p.m.
January 18       STEW 313      1:00-4:00 p.m.
January 19       STEW 202      10:00-12:00 noon
January 23       STEW 322      9:00-12:00 noon
January 24       STEW 202      9:00-12:00 noon

For specific content questions, please contact Jenny Siemers at
jsiemers at purdue.edu.

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