[BNC-all] Staff Availability 2-19 - 2-22-07

John Weaver jrweaver at ecn.purdue.edu
Fri Feb 16 15:36:31 EST 2007

Most of the engineering staff will be on a benchmarking trip from 2-19-07
through 2-22-07.  We have put together a set of contingency plans, and do
not expect any issues while we are gone, but one never knows.  There are
several things to keep in mind during this period.


If you have an equipment problem, please do not attempt to remedy it
yourself.  Wait until the appropriate staff member returns.


If you have a question that requires an immediate answer, please contact
Dima Zemlyanov.  He will be covering while others on the staff are gone.


Stocking and inventory issues can be handled by Jan Summers (Mary Jo's
phone:  61173) or Aaron Riegle: 427-4859.


Facility issues are to be addressed to Kurt Stull: 41410.


Thank you for your cooperation and patience during this period.


John Weaver


John R. Weaver

Facility Manager

Birck Nanotechnology Center

Purdue University

(765) 494-5494

jrweaver at purdue.edu


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