Deborah Starewich dstarewi at exchange.purdue.edu
Mon Dec 17 08:24:50 EST 2007

MONDAY MEMO, December 17, 2007
1. Announcements
1.1: Birck Nanotechnology Center Holiday Schedule: Dec. 23, 2007 to January
5, 2008
Sunday, December 23:  Normal Operations for Sunday; Building Card Access
Only; No staff coverage; Lab Attendants: noon to midnight; Buddy System:
midnight to noon.
Monday, December 24:  UNIVERSIY HOLIDAY; Building Card Access Only; No staff
coverage; Lab Attendants: noon to midnight; Buddy System: midnight to noon.
Tuesday, December 25:  UNIVERSIY HOLIDAY; Building Card Access Only; No
staff coverage; NO Lab Attendants; Buddy System: all times.
Wednesday-Friday, December 26 to 28:  Normal Operations for Weekday;
Building Open 7AM to 6PM; Staff coverage: 8AM to 5PM; Lab Attendants:
noon-midnight; Buddy System: midnight to 8AM.
Saturday, December 29:  Normal Operations for Sunday; Building Card Access
Only; No staff coverage; Lab Attendants: noon to midnight; Buddy System:
midnight to noon.
Sunday, December 30:  Normal Operations for Sunday; Building Card Access
Only; No staff coverage; Lab Attendants: noon to midnight; Buddy System:
midnight to noon.
Monday, December 31:  UNIVERSIY HOLIDAY; Building Card Access Only; No staff
coverage; Lab Attendants: noon to midnight; Buddy System: midnight to noon.
Tuesday, January 1:  UNIVERSIY HOLIDAY; Building Card Access Only; No staff
coverage; Lab Attendants: noon to midnight; Buddy System: midnight to noon.
Wednesday-Friday, January 2-4:  Normal Operations for Weekday; Building Open
7AM to 6PM; Staff coverage: 8AM to 5PM; Lab Attendants: noon-midnight; Buddy
System: midnight to 8AM.
Saturday, January 5:  Normal Operations for Sunday; Building Card Access
Only; No staff coverage; Lab Attendants: noon to midnight; Buddy System:
midnight to noon.
1.2:  Next Monday Memo to be distributed Tuesday, January 2, 2008. Happy New
2. One Purdue NEWS
2.1: QUOTES required for all orders.
When placing an order, regardless if a supplier is on a vendor list or not,
a note needs to be put in the vendor text of line item #1 on how you came up
with the price of your items.  Please verify how you get pricing for your
shopping carts, either by a quote, email from the vendor verifying the
price, or if you called them.  This information needs to be entered on Line
#1 only and not each and every line.  If you have a quote, then just attach
it to the order.
The reason for this is that in the new system, the price and quantity on the
purchase order MUST MATCH EXACTLY to the price/quantity on the invoice for
the system to generate the payment to the vendor.  If the information does
not mach, payment to the vendor will be delayed.
If you have any questions or need trained on placing orders, please see
Vikki Fast in the Birck Business Office (1014).
3.  Life on the Outside
3.1:  Holiday Fire Safety Tips; c/o Purdue University Fire Department
Install smoke detectors on every level of your home. Test smoke detector
batteries monthly.
Change the batteries in your smoke detectors each time you change you clocks
for daylight saving time.
Never place your Christmas tree near a heat source, including a fireplace or
heating vent. The heat will dry out the tree.
Never dispose of holiday tree branches in a fireplace or wood-burning stove.
When a tree becomes dry, discard it promptly. Many communities establish
recycling centers for trees.
When choosing an artificial tree, look for one that has been treated with a
fire retardant.
Inspect holiday lights each year for frayed wires, bare spots, and broken or
cracked sockets.
Only use UL-listed lighting equipment.
Do not overload outlets. Connect holiday lights to circuit protected outlet
Do not leave holiday lights unattended.
Avoid using candles. If you do use them, make sure they are in stable
holders and place them away from holiday decorations.
Never leave your home with candles burning.
When purchasing a fresh cut tree, bounce the tree on the ground. If many
needles fall off, the tree has been cut too long ago. Select another tree.
An estimated 33 million homes will have natural Christmas trees this holiday
season. Visit this link to view a video showing the danger of a dry
Christmas tree:  

Deborah S. Starewich
Administrative Assistant to Timothy D. Sands, Director
Birck Nanotechnology Center
Purdue University

dstarewi at ecn.purdue.edu


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