[BNC-all] FW: Order

Lane, Melissa J lanem at purdue.edu
Tue Dec 11 11:14:44 EST 2007


Here is some new information about placing orders.  Could you please
send this to bnc-all?


When placing an order, regardless if a supplier is on a vendor list or
not, a note needs to be put in the vendor text of line item #1 on how
you came up with the price of your items.  Please verify how you get
pricing for your shopping carts, either by a quote, email from the
vendor verifying the price, or if you called them.  This information
needs to be entered on Line #1 only and not each and every line.  If you
have a quote, then just attach it to the order.


The reason for this is that in the new system, the price and quantity on
the purchase order MUST MATCH EXACTLY to the price/quantity on the
invoice for the system to generate the payment to the vendor.  If the
information does not mach, payment to the vendor will be delayed.  


Please let me know if you have questions.



Janessa Drake
Purdue University
Account Clerk
Birck Nanotechnology Center
Phone (765) 496-8253
Fax (765) 496-8383
drake1 at purdue.edu 


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