[Apreosem] [Update] Apreo 2 supervisor allignment

Akanksha Parmar parmar0 at purdue.edu
Sun Sep 19 15:46:22 EDT 2021

Hello Apreo users,

Supervisor alignment has been finished. Please resume operation as usual.

Akanksha Parmar
Research Assistant
Purdue Electron Microscopy Facility<https://purdue.ilabsolutions.com/service_center/3985/?tab=equipment>
Birck Nanotechnology Center<https://www.purdue.edu/discoverypark/birck/>
Purdue University

From: Akanksha Parmar
Sent: Sunday, September 12, 2021 4:07 PM
To: apreosem at ecn.purdue.edu <apreosem at ecn.purdue.edu>
Cc: Rosa Diaz <rdiazri at purdue.edu>
Subject: Apreo 2 supervisor allignment

Hello Apreo users,

I hope you all had a great start to the semester! I would like to inform you that we are scheduling supervisor alignment procedure for Apreo on coming Friday (September 17th) starting 1 PM. I am expecting this procedure to take about 1.5-2 days to complete. I would really like if you don’t schedule Apreo usage during this time. I am informing you all ahead of time, so you can schedule your analyses before Friday. I will send an email when the alignment procedure is completed and the equipment is ready for use again.

I really appreciate your cooperation on this!

Akanksha Parmar
Research Assistant
Purdue Electron Microscopy Facility<https://purdue.ilabsolutions.com/service_center/3985/?tab=equipment>
Birck Nanotechnology Center<https://www.purdue.edu/discoverypark/birck/>
Purdue University

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