ACS_facuty Save the Date: Indiana Autonomous Day 2020 @ Westgate

Dave Cappelleri dcappell at
Wed Jan 29 16:18:07 EST 2020

Dear ACSI Affiliated Faculty-

Please see the attached Save the Date flyer for the upcoming Indiana
Autonomous Day 2020.  A formal invitation with the opportunity to RSVP to
attend the event will be forthcoming.

Additionally, if you are interested in possibly participating as a panel
member or having a display/demo regarding your research at this event,
please contact Samantha Nelson to discuss these opportunities. Her e-mail
is: sjnelson at


Dave / Darcy


David J. Cappelleri, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Purdue University
Mechanical Engineering
585 Purdue Mall
West Lafayette, IN  47907-2088
E-mail: dcappell at
Phone:  765.494.3719
Fax:    765.494.0539
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