ACS_facuty JTRP Update: FY 2020 Awards, FY 2021 Focus Group, TRB Annual Meeting, Indiana Government Center Posters Session

Bullock, Darcy M. darcy at
Fri Jan 3 07:11:50 EST 2020

As we begin the Spring 2020 semester, I am writing to update you on recent and upcoming activities as well as new procedures for visiting INDOT at the Indianapolis Government Center..

  1.  JTRP FY 2020 Research Awards
A total of 40 awards totaling $6,263,301 have been made for projects resulting from research needs identified during last year's focus group process and INDOT's prioritization of needs.  There are approximately 93 active JTRP projects involving approximately 41 Purdue faculty, 40 staff, 87 graduate students, and 30 undergraduates as well as several projects involving Notre Dame, IUPUI add IUFW.

  1.  JTRP FY 2021 Research Program:  The focus group process continues to be an important engagement activity for introducing faculty to emerging INDOT needs and providing an opportunity for faculty to discuss their research ideas with INDOT colleagues.  There were 3 focus group meetings for FY 2021 in November/December 2019 that several of you participated in.   There are four remaining Focus Groups to meet (Table 1 at the bottom of this email lists topic, date, time and location).  If you are not already registered to attend, please sign up using following link:
In addition to participating in Focus Group sessions, research ideas may be submitted using the following web form:

  1.  2020 TRB Annual Meeting.  This annual meeting of over 13000 transportation professional starts on Sunday, January 12.  Last year there were over 100 Purdue faculty, staff, and students participating and approximately 35 INDOT will attend this year's conference.  We have approximately 40 students that will depart from campus early on January 12.   Our annual JTRP slide show includes photos of activities over the past year and highlights TRB sessions with Purdue/INDOT authors and will be displayed at the Purdue CE Reception.  The time and location of the reception is:
Sunday, January 12, 2020, from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m.
Independence Salon DE  (Level M4)
Marriott Marquis, 901 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Washington, DC

  1.  JTRP Poster Session is scheduled for February 27, 2020, in the Indiana Government Center South Atrium from 10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.  The JTRP Executive Committee meeting will follow from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m.  I encourage you to propose posters that highlight impact of recently completed projects and/or emerging research areas.  To propose a poster, please register at the following link by February 7.    We anticipate being able to provide at least one poster spot for all faculty members that propose posters.  Multiple submissions are welcome, but depending upon the number of poster requests, we may have to work with faculty to prioritize or combine poster topics on a single board.

  1.  INDOT Visitor Procedures
INDOT has recently updated visitor procedures for the Central Office in the Government Center North in Indianapolis, as follows:

  *   INDOT guests should report to N758 once they pass through security. The building is secure and all INDOT doors remain locked except the reception area in the executive office.
  *   INDOT colleague you are meeting with will escort you to the meeting location.
  *   Attached document is for reference when visiting INDOT.  The guest information includes parking instructions as well as instructions upon arriving inside the building.  Please note that parking for the INDOT garage will not be validated during Legislative Sessions.  During periods when the legislature is in session, you will need to park in paid locations such as the Eiteljorg Museum .

Table 1: Summary of Upcoming Focus Groups
Focus Group
University Liaison
INDOT Business Owners
Meeting Time
Meeting Location
Pavements, Materials, Geotechnical and  Construction, PMGC
Tommy Nantung
John Haddock
Jeremy Hunter -Louis Feagans -  Kumar Dave - Matt Beeson - Athar Khan - Greg Pankow
9:00 a.m. - noon
Conference Room B

Indy Gov. Center
1:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Traffic Engineering, Safety, Mobility and Operation, TESMO
Tim Wells
Andrew Tarko
Dan McCoy - Brad Steckler - Jim Sturdevant
10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
R&D Office
W. Lafayette
Highway Maintenance Operations, MOP
Barry Partridge
Steve Dunlop
JD Brooks
10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
R&D Office
W. Lafayette
Structures (Bridges), Hydraulics and Environmental, SHE
Tim Wells
Mark Bowman
Jeremy Hunter - Stephanie Wagner - Anne Rearick - Mark Bailey - Laura Hilden
10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
R&D Office
W. Lafayette

Darcy Bullock, P.E.
Lyles Family Professor of Civil Engineering and
Joint Transportation Research Program Director
Purdue University
204a DLR Center
207 S. Martin Jischke Drive
West Lafayette, IN  47907-1971
765/479-0310 (Mobile)
darcy at<mailto:darcy at>  (Location of DLR Center)

Darcy Bullock, P.E.
Lyles Family Professor of Civil Engineering and
Joint Transportation Research Program Director
Purdue University
204a DLR Center
207 S. Martin Jischke Drive
West Lafayette, IN  47907-1971
765/479-0310 (Mobile)
darcy at<mailto:darcy at>  (Location of DLR Center)

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