M Koester, RE García, M Thommes “Spheronization process particle kinematics determined by discrete element simulations and particle image velocimetry measurements.” International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 477(1):81-87, 2014.
Spheronization is an important pharmaceutical manufacturing technique to produce spherical agglomerates of 0.5–2 mm diameter. These pellets have a narrow size distribution and a spherical shape. During the spheronization process, the extruded cylindrical strands break in short cylinders and evolve from a cylindrical to a spherical state by deformation and attrition/agglomeration mechanisms. Using the discrete element method, an integrated modeling-experimental framework is presented, that captures the particle motion during the spheronization process. Simulations were directly compared and validated against particle image velocimetry (PIV) experiments with monodisperse spherical and dry γ-Al2O3 particles.
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