Chapter 6. Running Cetus

Table of Contents

Quick Start
Command Line Options

Quick Start

  1. Locate JAR files for ANTLR and Cetus and add them to your CLASSPATH variable.

    $ export CLASSPATH=$ANTLR_jar_location:$Cetus_jar_location
  2. Run Cetus by invoking the driver's main method.

    $ java cetus.exec.Driver [option] [files]

NOTE: The build script ( or the Ant's buildfiles (build.xml) provides a target that encapsulates the above processes to a wrapper script called "cetus". See more details in and build.xml. Cetus can simply be run as follows using the script.

$ cetus [option] [files]

Sample invocations of Cetus: Parallelize outermost loops in the input source and insert timing instrumentation around the parallelized loops. This command automatically generates, by default, OpenMP pragmas for the auto-parallellized loops, and adds instrumentation code for the users' convenience. Output source file is stored in directory "cetus_output" by default.

$ cetus -parallelize-loops=2 -profile-loops=4 test.c