Combined BSCE + MSCE Degree Program

The Combined BSCE+MSCE Degree program is an integrated program that can be completed in as little as five years. This program will allow a student to dual count up to two graduate level courses between the BSCE and MSCE coursework requirements, thereby reducing the overall time required for the MSCE degree. This program is only available to students in the BSCE program at the West Lafayette campus.

Typical Timeline

Undergraduate Semester 5 (typically first semester of junior year)

Semester 6 (typically second semester of junior year)

Semesters 7 & 8 (senior year, dual degree status)

Semester 9 (MSCE degree status)

Procedures and Rules

  1. Students apply to the program by submitting a Combined BSCE+MSCE Degree Program Application to the CE Graduate Office in semester 5 (typically the fall semester of the junior year).  The BSCE + MSCE Program internal application includes the Application Form, 2 letters of recommendation, and a Purdue transcript.  At least one recommendation letter should be from a Purdue Civil Engineering faculty member.
  2. A minimum undergraduate cumulative GPA (CGPA) of 3.3 is required at the time of submission of the Combined BSCE+MSCE Degree program application.
  3. If the BSCE+MSCE program application is approved, provisional admission to the BSCE+MSCE program is granted for semester 6. The student will be required to submit a Graduate School application that includes a Purdue transcript and one additional letter of recommendation during semester 6.
  4. Upon admission to Graduate School, in semesters 7 and 8 the student will have dual-degree status until the BSCE degree is awarded (at end of semester 8).
  5. During the dual-status semesters students may complete at most 12 credits of graduate courses (e.g. four 3-credit 50000 level courses) as undergraduate technical electives. Up to six credits of these graduate courses will be added later to the MSCE plan of study, and will be “dual-counted” for both the undergraduate BSCE and graduate MSCE degrees.

Important Notes

Applying to the Program

To apply for admission to the Combined BSCE+MSCE Degree Program, first attend the callout. Then complete the following forms and submit them to the CE Graduate Office by the due date:

  1. Combined BSCE+MSCE Degree Program Application Form
  2. Current, official Purdue transcript – request this to be sent directly to the CE Graduate Office from the Registrar’s office (located in Hovde Hall)
  3. Arrange for two letters of recommendation to be submitted on your behalf.

CCE Graduate Office
550 Stadium Mall (Hampton Hall, Room 1141)
West Lafayette, IN 47907
(765) 494-2436