Seungjin Kim recieves ANS Thermal-Hydraulics Division Technical Achievement Award

Dr. Seungjin Kim (right) recieves TAA from THD Honors and Awards chair Dr. Xiaodong Sun (left)

Seungjin Kim, the Capt. James F. McCarthy Jr. and Cheryl E. McCarthy Head of the School of Nuclear Engineering, has received the 2023 Technical Achievement Award from the American Nuclear Society (ANS) Thermal-Hydraulics Division (THD). This annual lifetime achievement award recognizes past or current technical achievements by members of ANS and is the highest award bestowed by THD.

ANS THD presents TAA to Seungjin Kim. From left to right, Dillon Shaver (ANL), Ferry Roelofs (NRG), Stephen Bajorek (NRC), Seungjin Kim (Purdue University), Yassin Hassan (Texas A&M), Xiaodong Sun (University of Michigan)

Dr. Kim, an ANS Fellow and member since 1997, was selected in recognition of his “outstanding contribution towards advancing two-phase flow experimental capabilities, fundamental understanding of two-phase flow transport phenomena and reactor thermal-hydraulic analysis.”

Dr. Kim was presented the award at the ANS Winter Conference and Expo in Washington, D.C. “This award is considered the highest honor in the field of reactor thermal-hydraulics, and I am honored to be recognized,” Kim said. “Considering that I am the fourth faculty in our School to receive this award, it is also a testimony to the quality of our department and faculty.”

Congratulations to Dr. Kim for this prestigious award!

Seungjin Kim
Seungjin Kim
Capt. James McCarthy, Jr. and Cheryl E. McCarthy Head and Professor of Nuclear Engineering

My interests include thermal-hydraulics, reactor safety, two-phase flow experiments and instrumentation, interfacial area tranport modeling.