Advanced Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics (ART) Laboratory

Welcome to the Advanced Reactor Thermal-hydraulics (ART) Laboratory at Purdue University. We perform research in the area of nuclear reactor thermal-hydraulics and two-phase flow. More specifically, we design and perform scaled experiments, model multiphase flow phenomena, develop advanced two-phase flow instrumentation, and apply computational methods for multiphase analysis. Some of the research topics of interest include: Two-phase flow analysis and interfacial area transport models in various orientations, restrictions, and sizes, nuclear reactor safety analysis, advanced flow instrumentation, reactor systems analysis codes, liquid metal reactors, gas-cooled reactors, and CFD analysis.

Interested students are encouraged to contact Dr. Seungjin Kim ( for addtional information.


Alicja Stoppel selected as a 2024 NEA Global Forum Rising Star

Alicja Stoppel, a senior at the Purdue University School of Nuclear Engineering, has been selected to participate in the 2024 cohort of the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) Global Forum Rising Stars Workshop in Nuclear Education, Science, Technology, and Policy.

ART Research presented at the 2024 ATH Conference

Several members present their research at the Advances in Thermal Hydraulics Conference in Orlando, FL

ART will lead $6 million project to revitalize research infastructure

ART selected to lead consortium to establish new cyber-physical capabilities for SMR and AR technologies

ART Research presented at the 2024 ANS Annual Meeting

ART research presented at the ANS Annual Meeting in Las Vegas, NV

ART studies SMRs for the Indiana Office of Energy Development (IOED)

Purdue University has been selected by the Indiana Office of Energy Development (IOED) to research small modular nuclear reactor (SMR) technology and analyze the potential impacts should the technology be deployed in Indiana.
