Dr. Seungjin Kim takes on leading role in the Purdue - Duke Energy nuclear power exploratory study

Image credit: Purdue University

Dr. Seungjin Kim, the Capt. James F. McCarthy Jr. and Cheryl E. McCarthy Head and Professor of Nuclear Engineering and Director of ART, has been named a Principal in Charge of the Purdue University - Duke Energy nuclear power exploratory study.

In April 2022, Purdue University and Duke Energy announced their plan to jointly explore the feasability of using advanced small modular nuclear reactors for the energy needs of the Purdue West Lafayette Campus.

Along with Dr. Seungjin Kim, two other Principals in Charge were named to ensure the success of the exploratory study: Michael B. Cline, the senior vice-president of Purdue administrative operations and Chris Nolan, the vice president of new nuclear generation of Duke Energy.

Read more about the exploration new nuclear energy sources for Purdue University here.

Seungjin Kim
Seungjin Kim
Capt. James McCarthy, Jr. and Cheryl E. McCarthy Head and Professor of Nuclear Engineering

My interests include thermal-hydraulics, reactor safety, two-phase flow experiments and instrumentation, interfacial area tranport modeling.
