ART recieves funding from the US Department of Energy

ART has been selected to fulfill the US Department of Energy’s strategic needs blue sky project, studying the fundamental hydrodynamics of two-phase flow under the geometric effects of pipe orientation and U-bends.

Most two-phase flow analyses have been performed in straight vertical-upward pipes. However, nuclear reactor systems include piping with different geometric components, such as elbows or U-bends, as well as changes in flow orientations. The project will perform experiments in a scaled test facility existing at ART to investigate the effects of flow orientations and geometries relevant to nuclear reactor systems on the hydrodynamics of two-phase flow.

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Seungjin Kim
Seungjin Kim
Capt. James McCarthy, Jr. and Cheryl E. McCarthy Head and Professor of Nuclear Engineering

My interests include thermal-hydraulics, reactor safety, two-phase flow experiments and instrumentation, interfacial area tranport modeling.
