Reading List

·  Fundamentals of Logic: Shoenfield’s book ; Bradley and Manna’s book (full text available through Purdue Library)

·  The Decision Problem: The Classical Decision Problem

·  Decision Procedures for Theories: Kroening and Strichman’s book (full text available through Purdue Library)

·  Axiomatic Semantics: Winskel’s book (full text available through Purdue Library)

·  SMT: Nelson and Oppen 1979

·  Floyd-Hoare Logic: Floyd 1967 ; Hoare 1969

·  Sketch-based Synthesis: Sketch manual ; Solar-Lezama 2013

·  Abstract Interpretation: Cousot and Cousot 1977

·  Finite Model Theory: Ebbinhaus and Flum’s book (full text available through Purdue Library)

·  LTL Synthesis: Pnueli and Rosner 1989 ; Piterman et al. 2006

List of Papers for Presentation

1.     Srivastava, Gulwani and Foster: From Program Verification to Program Synthesis. POPL 2010

2.     Vechev, Yahav and Yorsh: Abstraction-Guided Synthesis of Synchronization. POPL 2010

3.     Kuncak, Mayer, Piskac and Suter: Complete Functional Synthesis. PLDI 2010

4.     Godhal, Chatterjee and Henzinger: Synthesis of AMBA AHB from Formal Specification: A Case Study. STTT 2010

5.     Gulwani: Automating String Processing in Spreadsheets Using Input-Output Examples. POPL 2011

6.     Singh, Gulwani and Solar-Lezama: Automated Feedback Generation for Introductory Programming Assignments. PLDI 2013

7.     Raychev, Vechev and Yahav: Code Completion with Statistical Language Models. PLDI 2014

8.     Torlak and Bodik: A Lightweight Symbolic Virtual Machine for Solver-Aided Host Languages. PLDI 2014

9.     Garg, Loding, Madhusudan and Neider: ICE: A Robust Framework for Learning Invariants. CAV 2014

10. Balog, Gaunt, Brockschmidt, Nowozin and Tarlow: DeepCoder: Learning to Write Programs. ICLR 2017

11. Hottelier and Bodik: Synthesis of Layout Engines from Relational Constraints. OOPSLA 2015

12. Barman, Chasin, Bodik and Gulwani: Ringer: Web Automation by Demonstration. OOPSLA 2016