EE695K Modeling and Optimization of High Performance Interconnects

Course Description

This course provides an in-depth coverage of the modeling and optimization techniques for high-performance interconnect designs. Topics include detailed discussions of various interconnect and device modeling techniques in deep submicron IC designs. The course also provides a thorough coverage of existing techniques for interconnect optimization, such as timing-driven placement, interconnect topology optimization, optimal buffer insertion, optimal wire-sizing, and simultaneous device and wire sizing optimization, and clock network design for high-performance systems.

Required text/Reference material


  1. Introduction: Trends of VLSI Interconnect, Challenges of Interconnect Design, Overview
  2. Interconnect Modeling: Interconnect as R(L)C Tree, Elmore Delay Model, Moment Computation, Asymptotic Waveform Evaluation, Pade Via Lanczos, Pole Analysis, Transmission Line, Signal Integrity Modeling
  3. Delay Calculation: Driver Modeling, RC Delay Calculation
  4. Timing-Driven Placement: Delay budgetting, Net-based timing-driven placement, Path-based Timing-Driven Placement
  5. Device Optimization: Device Sizing, Buffer Insertion, Transistor Ordering
  6. Topology Optimization: for Wirelength Minimization, for Pathlength Minimization, for Delay Minimization
  7. Interconnect Sizing: Local Refinement Based, Dynamic Programming-Based, Sensitivity Based, Mathematical Programming, Terminization Optimization
  8. High-Performance Clock Routing: Zero-Skew, Bounded-Skew, Buffer and Wire Optimization, Non-Tree routing, Clock Schedule

Academic Misconduct

Students caught engaging in an academically dishonest practice will receive a failing grade for the course. University policy on academic dishonesty will be followed strictly.

Lecture Notes and Assignments(in PDF)